Recent content by stupid bystander

  1. Other Unethical Manipulation of CAP Polls

    Perhaps you misunderstand what I am trying to say. In order to recruit votes, the recruited must be made aware of what they are voting for. That said, I would not support or even condone such behavior. I guess it was a crappy attempt at optimism.
  2. Other Unethical Manipulation of CAP Polls

    Hey, thought I would comment on the situation. I've been lurking in this forum for a while. I don't like to get too hands on with the process since I don't feel my opinion is necessarily the one that is best suited for the CAP projects. However, I am very interested in the process and I enjoy...
  3. CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

    Does this mean that you have abandoned your old design? I know that I am new and as such my opinion counts for little but you have a strong design. If you came up with some supporting material I'm sure you could win some others over as well. The little guy has too much character.