Recent content by Nopie

  1. VGC Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer - Mark II

    Whenever both of my Pokemon are knocked out in the same turn when I battle on wifi, for some reason it doesn't let me choose which Pokemon to send in next, and I end up having to wait the for the entire command timer to run down before my last 2 or 1 Pokemon I have left are sent out. Is this...
  2. Ask a Simple Question; Get a Simple Answer & General Resources (OU Edition)

    Is there a page I could view that would give me a rundown on the state of OU at the present time? ie what's legal, what's not, what's popular, what's not, etc. I haven't kept up with the metagames in the past couple of months and what I'd basically like to see is essentially a crash course of...
  3. Apprentice Program: Round Sixty Four

    Username: Nopie Age: 22 Pokemon Online/Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username: bagleopard Your timezone and usual hours of availability: GMT, usually anywhere between 3:00 PM and 1:00 AM What tier do you want to learn?: BW2 OU Tell us a little about yourself: I just recently rediscovered...
  4. Nopie's Nook So this one is kinda late. Yesterday, as I was halfway through this, I felt tired so I decided to take a nap. I must have needed it, because I slept peacefully for FOURTEEN...
  5. Nopie's Nook

    What day is it today? That's right! It's Chu-sday! Kill me. Anyway, I almost started work on this one thinking it'd be another two-stage family, but then I remembered Pichu xD Getting this one finished brings me back on track, so I'm not behind any more =] Ten days, ten drawings...
  6. Nopie's Nook

    Thanks for the compliments everybody. And thank you, most of all, to Bummer. That's exactly the kind of thing I want to hear - some good, solid criticism. I think I'm quite set in my ambition to draw all the Pokemon this year, but I'm sure I can make time to improve my skills and try new...
  7. Nopie's Nook

    Here we are with today's update. Well technically this is yesterday's update since I didn't get one done two days ago on Saturday, but whatever. I'm working on bringing myself up to date again. Confound these bird Pokemon, their wings drive me insane! But I feel like I'm getting better at...
  8. Nopie's Nook

    So I don't post so much here any more, though I never really posted that much to start with. But maybe that might change a little with this thread. Idk. Um anyway, so I do a little drawing now and again (it's pretty much all Pokemon stuff) so thought it may be nice to make a thread here about...
  9. Most important news of the year

    Just don't accept any yellow-colored icy refreshments from them
  10. VGC '11 United Kingdom National - Birmingham - June 4th - WON BY RubeNCB92 & Plusle

    Yeah, clashing with the Expo last year was a real downer. It was a tough decision and in the end I chose Expo... But I'll be there this year! Better brush up on my battling and scrounge up a good team from somewhere... I'm assuming Terra-cott will be this year's Top-ogre?
  11. Hiya =] I just got my wi-fi fixed, so I'm ready to collect that Cresselia whenever you're free

    Hiya =] I just got my wi-fi fixed, so I'm ready to collect that Cresselia whenever you're free
  12. The Physically Unfit Thread

    I snack on junk food a quite a bit but I have only really been eating one proper meal a day for the last year or so and I haven't really gained or lost any significant amount of weight or fat. I rarely work out or do anything physical besides going out for a walk, I havent been near a gym in the...
  13. Yes, OmegaDonut just told me he asked you to catch it for me. Thank you very much =] I'm...

    Yes, OmegaDonut just told me he asked you to catch it for me. Thank you very much =] I'm struggling with my wi-fi right now though, the connection keeps turning on and off, so is it alright to collect it from you when I have it fixed? It shouldn't take too long for me to figure out whats wrong
  14. I'm having a little trouble connecting to wi-fi at the moment though, hopefully it should be...

    I'm having a little trouble connecting to wi-fi at the moment though, hopefully it should be fixed up soon.
  15. Oh wow! Thank you very much, both of you! =]

    Oh wow! Thank you very much, both of you! =]