Recent content by NaboGaming

  1. NaboGaming

    Social Neurodiversity

    that's adorable and I will try it next time
  2. NaboGaming

    Social Neurodiversity

    yeah being surrounded by NTs doesnt help
  3. NaboGaming

    Social Neurodiversity

    i constantly feel terrible about the thoughts that I have and i wish i didn't but hey x3
  4. NaboGaming


  5. NaboGaming


  6. NaboGaming


  7. NaboGaming

    ur super cool!

    ur super cool!
  8. NaboGaming

    pretty good

    pretty good
  9. NaboGaming

    hru :3

    hru :3
  10. NaboGaming

    Im fantastic! life has been on an all time high for the past months

    Im fantastic! life has been on an all time high for the past months
  11. NaboGaming

    Social Neurodiversity

    first off, kinda agree on the holiday thing, my Halloween sucked but this made it awesome! and about the no two cases part, my therapist always likes to say "if you've meet one autistic person, you've only met one autistic person"
  12. NaboGaming

    oki! hows it goin

    oki! hows it goin
  13. NaboGaming

    been a while do you dislike me?/gen or can we chat

    been a while do you dislike me?/gen or can we chat
  14. NaboGaming

    Social Neurodiversity

    I'm so happy to share this: as of Halloween this year, I have been officially diagnosed with autism!! the papers arrived yesterday (December 3rd) and I'm very happy, please feel free to ask me questions about my diagnosis I'm super happy to answer, I love talking about this!! :3
  15. NaboGaming

    how are you? :3

    how are you? :3