Recent content by Lelouch

  1. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    I don't dispute that non-consensual sex is harmful. However, consensual sex with minors is only "harmful" because of society's medieval attitude about it. Kids who have sex are led to believe it's naughty and that becomes ingrained, and then when they're older they've been led all their lives to...
  2. Why should we care about dead people?

    Personally, I don't care about dead people. Corpses are just so much - potentially useful, granted - meat to me. However, I am in favour of the right to decide what happens to one's property after death however, and property includes one's organs and blood (which one should also be entitled...
  3. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    Once again, Jack Jack understands beautifully. @ Aura Guardian: I don't dispute the concept of responsibility. I dispute the idea that sex is for absolutely everyone such a huge deal that it would be inherently irresponsible to do it before an arbitrary age. If an eleven year old has the...
  4. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    @ Aura Guardian: who are you to decide what's irresponsible and impose rules to enforce it? If a teenager wants to fuck his teacher, it's between the two of them and no one else. That's all there is to it. @ Fatecrashers: WHAT you do to animals is irrelevant. What matters is that we own them...
  5. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    How you choose to put animals to death is totally irrelevant. The simple fact is, we consider them to be lesser creatures and we decide what rights they have. It's hypocritical to ban one form of using an animal for pleasure and not the others, justifying it with some ridiculous rationalization...
  6. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    Whether or not animals can - or have the right to - consent is a completely different matter. Since we eat them and harvest their skins I figure they have no rights beyond what we grant them, and if someone wants to buy a sheep to fuck he has every right. As for paedophilia, there's even less...
  7. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    Going with the majority is always tyranny. Some examples are less harmful or distasteful than others, but don't pretend that just because most people see it as reasonable, those who disagree are over-reacting. Question: why does no one point out that the logic behind society's growing...
  8. "Hitler was a great man."

    Right, but Jack Jack did not claim to never have heard of homophobia. He's just saying he hears a lot more about racism.
  9. Newest Drug Lord Tech: Submarines.

    Why shouldn't one be allowed to finance the distribution and use of drugs? Why shouldn't you be allowed to harm yourself if that's what you want? I'm unsure what you mean by "possibly damaging the environment". Do you mean the propensity for areas of widespread drug use to become slums? If so...
  10. Books: What are they?

    After the Night Angel Trilogy I returned to Brandon Sanderson, whose work I covered a few pages back. It was "Warbreaker", and it has some fairly interesting similarities to the Night Angel trilogy in that a lot goes on at once, but the difference is it's all absolutely necessary to the plot and...
  11. Books: What are they?

    So I finished "The Night Angel" trilogy, and a few words that spring to mind are underwhelming, anticlimactic, ass pull, talentless hack. The first in the trilogy was a very interesting read. It had a very atypical protagonist and a dozen atypical supporting characters. About the only character...
  12. Newest Drug Lord Tech: Submarines.

    Personal freedom (in this context, I mean the freedom to do what you like to yourself, not the freedom to go on a shooting rampage) is something I consider fundamental. To me, you simply can't reduce it without making it absolutely worthless. That's why banning (or otherwise attempting to...
  13. "Hitler was a great man."

    I'm assuming you'd recently taken a blow to the head when you posted this.
  14. Newest Drug Lord Tech: Submarines.

    We'll have to agree to disagree. I see no difference between the despot who bans dissent and the despot who bans drugs. Nor any difference between the enforcing arms of both despots.
  15. Newest Drug Lord Tech: Submarines.

    I was pointing out to the poster who had a problem with my putting the lives of drug dealers above the lives of those who would obstruct them that we don't all share the same values. @ Tubaking - there's a difference between not wanting someone you care about to die and believing in an...