Recent content by Imperium

  1. Ok. Am online. I couldn't get into my account, so I'm on an account called "sky on smile". Let...

    Ok. Am online. I couldn't get into my account, so I'm on an account called "sky on smile". Let me know if I need to do anything to report this to the hosts.
  2. Ok, I'll be online at 1pm. I'll post back here to check in once I'm on.

    Ok, I'll be online at 1pm. I'll post back here to check in once I'm on.
  3. Let's try tomorrow. I'm free from 10-12 EDT and 1-3 EDT. Does anything there work? If not, I can...

    Let's try tomorrow. I'm free from 10-12 EDT and 1-3 EDT. Does anything there work? If not, I can also do later afternoon.
  4. Hey, I'm in the same time zone. Do you want to play later today?

    Hey, I'm in the same time zone. Do you want to play later today?
  5. ADV Cup VI - Signups

    Please sign me up.
  6. Gen 3 makin team, help moi please

    Because you're first post was extremely vague. You said that you had a sub/toxic umbreon, but than you contradicted yourself by saying that you might not use it. Nobody has any idea what you really want :/
  7. New Good Movies?

    I'd recommend the book for Bridge to Terabithia instead. That's if you like reading children's literature though xD