Recent content by fyourblog

  1. Official ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4, Voting

    Landorus-I: Do Not Ban
  2. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    Knock Off usage is at 20%, RS usage is much, much lower. Skarm's Brave Bird+Roost combo still beats Lando-I lacking FB. And if we're going to use the "prediction isn't a valid argument" argument, as many people that are pro-ban have used in this thread-- then Lando-I actually needs to predict...
  3. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    Okay, no. Yet again people misinterpret my argument. I'm not arguing that if stall is more diverse than it would be in my own self interest to keep Lando-I unbanned so I can deal with stall. My argument is that because stall becomes more diverse without Lando-I, the meta becomes much more...
  4. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    No my argument is that with the disappearance of Lando-I, different variations of M-Sable stall has increased tenfold. You no longer need the M-Sable + Chansey/Cressilia core cancer as Lando isn't a threat anymore. This gives stall teams much more variety in what they pick and how they deal with...
  5. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    Okay, if you're going to bring up Focus Blast usage (and use it as an argument against Skarmory as a Lando counter), which is | Focus Blast 35.830% |, then what follows is the usage of every move that potential Lando-I counters can use that fall into or around that ~35% range. By looking at...
  6. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    I know you're being sarcastic but sure. Things that can come in and revenge kill Lando-I contains a large part of the meta. Alakazam, Azumarill, Conk, Gengar, Gyarados, Keldeo, Kyurem, Both Latis, M-Lop, Raikou, Rotom-W, Skarm, Slowbro, Starmie, Talonflame, Torn-T, Thundurus-T, Scarf Tar, SpD...
  7. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    I'm not arguing that Lando-I is a solid Gengar check, I'm arguing that Gengar has little to no checks in the current meta-- but that's not a reason to ban it. Also I'd argue that if you prepare your team for RP Lando, than it can be beaten. While Gengar can be easily revenge killed, Lando-I has...
  8. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    No, I mean if you read any of arguments I refute the idea that usage = viability. Instead I state its one of the best indicators to what is viable. People argued against me claiming that even though Knock Off is low in usage, Lando must be banned because it can still use it and counter other...
  9. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    Honestly, after playing multiple games, the meta just isn't better and arguable much worse. M-Sableye stall variations have increased tenfold and has basically pigeonholed teambuilding even worse than Lando-I did. Now you have to carry Manaphy or one of the other very few stallbreakers to even...
  10. ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Voter Identification Thread

    confirming as isukatgamez
  11. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    Viability ranking isn't OBJECTIVE evidence, statistical evidence in usage is. Just because KO and CM sets are S ranked does mean that they are implanted as strongly into the meta. Cotton Guard Altaria is also S ranked, are you going to specifically prepare for that as well? You want to prepare...
  12. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    I got my stats from the same site, but it says 12.5% on mine. Regardless of who's are right (I'll believe yours), and I'm going by the 1695 text, 1/5th (21%) of Lando's carrying KO does not mean much. Yes KO Lando is effective, but not as effective as RP Lando which is much, much more...
  13. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    Wow, if you read my post on page 3 or 4 you'd actually see that I agree with your first sentence on how they are not equal to each other. Rather my argument is the fact that usage is the strongest indicator to viability strictly going on statistical evidence that we can see with our eyes. Also...
  14. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    There's a big difference between the git gud argument and the don't give me your cherrypicked, anecdotal evidence of a player being an idiot argument. My argument is the latter. OP argued that Lando-I doesn't need to carry Knock Off, it just needs Knock Off support from another poke to beat the...
  15. np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

    You call the fact that knock off has low usage an invalid argument yet you provide no evidence for yourself. Just because the meta attempts to adapt to mons like this doesn't mean it will. 12.4% is extremely low. If your lando is running Knock Off, it means its probably losing to half the pokes...