Recent content by Elsiar

  1. Elsiar

    OU RBY OU Ladder Achievements (Season 2 now starting!!!)

    Claiming Rainbow Badge for Pokémon Mansion Challenge and Cerulean Cave Challenge.
  2. Elsiar

    OU RBY OU Ladder Achievements (Season 2 now starting!!!)

    Claiming Thunder Badge for Cerulean Cave Challenge and Pokémon Mansion Challenge: I'm probably going to update this post as I go on!
  3. Elsiar

    Online Competition DRAGON KING CUP

    I managed to get 27th place with a score of 1809 using my Dusk Mane Necrozma team. My record was 32W-8L and once I reached the 1800+ threshold I just stopped playing. Plus I was super tired because the last 10 battles were very intense. For this competition I wanted a solid Uber pick...
  4. Elsiar

    Online Competition DRAGON KING CUP

    My pick for this will probably be Dusk Mane Necrozma. As Theorymon said, Mimikyu will be literally everywhere, it can punch its fake pikachu-face out of the battle and then some, and it can be good against Xerneas, which is obviously also a top pick. You can Trick Room but you can also try to...
  5. Elsiar

    Resource [Crown Tundra] Sword/Shield BSS Viability Rankings

    I second this. Spectrier is not a top threat or whatever, due to the fact that it requires support and the team should be built accordingly, in my experience using it it's not very splashable, if at all. But it's not to be underestimated. It can snowball pretty quickly and one Grim Neigh proc is...
  6. Elsiar

    Online Competition Tundra Tourney

    After some very limited testing on the Showdown ladder and some threat-checking reading and re-reading the Tundra Pokédex, I managed to put together a fairly standard team that tried to answer what I thought were the most common used Mons (like of course Mimikyu and I was very scared of...
  7. Elsiar

    Official USUM Monotype Suspect: Naganadel

    Naganadel: Do Not Ban
  8. Elsiar

    Metagame USUM Monotype Suspect #1: Naganadel Voter ID Thread

    confirming as Elsiar