Recent content by Data plan

  1. Data plan

    Mega Gallade is trash. Mega Lucario is better. rof.

    Mega Gallade is trash. Mega Lucario is better. rof.
  2. Data plan

    Also, I was drunk at midnight on New Year's when I registered my account. XD

    Also, I was drunk at midnight on New Year's when I registered my account. XD
  3. Data plan

    Hydro, I was laughing for 5 minutes just from our skype call. XD

    Hydro, I was laughing for 5 minutes just from our skype call. XD
  4. Data plan

    You're like the tomato sauce in my pasta. It's delicious.

    You're like the tomato sauce in my pasta. It's delicious.
  5. Data plan

    ╭━━━┳━━━┳━╮╱╭┳╮╭━┳━━━┳╮╱╱╭╮ ╰╮╭╮┃╭━╮┃┃╰╮┃┃┃┃╭┫╭━━┫╰╮╭╯┃ ╱┃┃┃┃┃╱┃┃╭╮╰╯┃╰╯╯┃╰━━╋╮╰╯╭╯...

    ╭━━━┳━━━┳━╮╱╭┳╮╭━┳━━━┳╮╱╱╭╮ ╰╮╭╮┃╭━╮┃┃╰╮┃┃┃┃╭┫╭━━┫╰╮╭╯┃ ╱┃┃┃┃┃╱┃┃╭╮╰╯┃╰╯╯┃╰━━╋╮╰╯╭╯ ╱┃┃┃┃┃╱┃┃┃╰╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╭━━╯╰╮╭╯ ╭╯╰╯┃╰━╯┃┃╱┃┃┃┃┃╰┫╰━━╮╱┃┃ ╰━━━┻━━━┻╯╱╰━┻╯╰━┻━━━╯╱╰╯ ╭╮╭━┳━━━┳━╮╱╭┳━━━╮ ┃┃┃╭┫╭━╮┃┃╰╮┃┃╭━╮┃ ┃╰╯╯┃┃╱┃┃╭╮╰╯┃┃╱╰╯ ┃╭╮┃┃┃╱┃┃┃╰╮┃┃┃╭━╮ ┃┃┃╰┫╰━╯┃┃╱┃┃┃╰┻━┃ ╰╯╰━┻━━━┻╯╱╰━┻━━━╯
  6. Data plan

    False information.

    False information.
  7. Data plan


  8. Data plan

    Can I make username puns now?

    Can I make username puns now?
  9. Data plan

    that's hella rude.

    that's hella rude.
  10. Data plan

    delicious, nick

    delicious, nick
  11. Data plan


  12. Data plan

    brb going to go in the corner to cry

    brb going to go in the corner to cry
  13. Data plan

    I prefer not to engage in oral sex. Thank you very much.

    I prefer not to engage in oral sex. Thank you very much.
  14. Data plan

    I need a global mod to lock both of you nub scrubs.

    I need a global mod to lock both of you nub scrubs.
  15. Data plan

