Recent content by Cerib

  1. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    Ohhh. xD I thought you meant draw one out, haha. That's cake work mang, I can prob do it for you tomorrow evening sometime. My bad. Haha.
  2. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    Oh, I'm definitely not a good person to ask for something like that. ._. I can't exactly draw people that well, sorry.
  3. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    Earth Sorry for the wait. :( Rainbow +, show me the image you have for your Absol, please.
  4. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    To be fair, I'm not entirely that great of an illustrator/sketch artist, yet. When my time frees up a bit more, I'll see what I can do for you. Earth, I still need to work on your wallpaper. So sorry for the wait. :(
  5. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    Been slightly inactive due to personal reasons. :x Here's some artwork.
  6. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    ORAS RU Tournament. Earth, it's going to be a bit before I can start on your wallpaper. Hope that's okay. :3
  7. Cerib

     Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

    I was actually going for cute and cuddly. ._. I don't think I was that effective at it.
  8. Cerib

     Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

    Since for some reason, my internet is being an anus right now and won't load my Photobucket. ;-; Here's the final bit on the ORAS RU Tournament Logo. Since Pidgeot looked like it would devour souls, I ended up adding a pupil to fill in the space. ._. galbia
  9. Cerib

     Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

    Update on the ORAS RU Tournament logo/banner. The eye didn't come out exactly like I wanted it to, good overall outcome though. I'm going to have to work the type tomorrow. It's relatively late here.
  10. Cerib

     Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

    I was actually wondering what was with the star on a few of the threads that I've seen around. Thanks for clearing all of that up for me. :3 Thanks, I actually tried pretty hard on it. x]
  11. Cerib

     Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

    I have a random question here... Why isn't this thread pinned? o.O I realize that there are and will be multiple posts about AFT, however, wouldn't it be easier to keep track of the most recent one if it were pinned? Also, here's a WIP for the ORAS RU Tournament. Will colour, shade, and add...
  12. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    As long as you're satisfied with it, haha.
  13. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    After I finished it, I didn't realize that's what you wanted the font in, I though it said "front." x] Here's what I have, if you'd like me to change it, that's perfectly fine seeing as how the mistake was on my end. It's EXTREMELY basic, and I apologize for that. Also, if you were talking about...
  14. Cerib


    I can vouch for that one. Haha. Metagross looks dope as fuck though for sure man.
  15. Cerib

    Cerib's Portfolio

    I'll see what I can do for you. :3