Recent content by AlphaSlurpuff

  1. AlphaSlurpuff

    Toronto, ON Mid Season Showdown - Jan 15

    Thanks for this! I completely forgot there was a MSS happening around Toronto. It's a shame that it's in the middle of nowhere (I got lost the last time I went up there....).
  2. AlphaSlurpuff

    Figy Eater

    Figy Eater
  3. AlphaSlurpuff

    Hail Setter

    Hail Setter
  4. AlphaSlurpuff

    Hail to the queen [Currently 1900]

    Mega-Abomasnow is too good in OU just like Kyruem-B :)
  5. AlphaSlurpuff

    Hail to the queen [Currently 1900]

    Finally a person who understands how good Mega-Abomasnow is in OU :)
  6. AlphaSlurpuff

    Underused Premier League II [Player Signups]

    Username: AlphaSlurpuff Tiers Played XY UU Foreseeable Inactivity: N/A