Recent content by Allpro

  1. Xbox 360, Pc or Ps3?

    This is easy. If you're a really competitive person, you should try and go for the 360. The people there are much more better than the ones on PSN. But you do have to pay for the online fee which is $50 a year. Now if you want to play really good games for their story and don't care much for...
  2. Weird sports / activities you do / play

    Tell that to the people that made chess a sport.
  3. .

    This is pretty easy. Be outgoing, that's all you need to do. It's pretty simple. Become friends with one of the "popular" kids. Share stories and talk shit on Facebook. Comment on "popular" people's status. Then, you'll get invited one day and meet more people. You'll branch off from there. It...
  4. BF/GF--->friend status

    Yup, my third girlfriend. We were together for a while and we aggreed on a break up. We're best friends now. I'm normally a jealous person but I got over it after a while. Now we're both in relationships and talk everyday. We're about as close as two people can get. Without dating...