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  • Hey! Thank you for all of your hard work on the SwSh spreadsheet! There is a typo listing Corviknight's BST as 430 instead of 530. I just wanted to let you know.
    Thanks, it should be fixed now. I started the spreadsheet when I was very tired, so there were a bunch of user errors in there. Hopefully most of them are fixed now
    Hey, in regards to your EV locations would you not include the Headbutt method in Azalea Town with Heracross? It's 2 Attack yield and a decently high encounter rate. Very good spot for players looking to EV train early on in their game. (Earlier than Surf)
    Are you still updating http://www.smogon.com/ingame/guides/ev_manual ? I found some very high-leveled wild Pokemon and rematchable trainers in Platinum.

    HP: Shellos and Gastrodon by surfing at Route 205 south, Idol Grace in Pokemon centers (Clefairy)
    Physical Attack: Gyarados and Seaking by super rod at Twinleaf Town, Eterna City, and Celestic Town, Guitarist Arturo in Pokemon centers (Kricketune)
    Special Attack: Golduck and Psyduck by surfing at Resort Area, Interviewers Roxi and Olie at Pokemon centers (Gardevoir and Magnezone)
    Special Defense: Tentacruel and Mantyke by surfing at Route 223
    Speed: Poke Kid Ariel at Pokemon centers (Pikachu and Raichu)

    This is just for Platinum. You should probably also make sure the guide is complete for DP and HGSS.
    Trying again, just in case you overlooked the message:

    Hey, we're paired for the VGC 17 tournament. I live in the Central European Timezone(CET)

    Im available on:
    03.01. - 22:00-22:30 CET
    05.01. - 22:00-22:30 CET
    06.01. - 19:00-19:30 CET

    Now that the standarts are met, i should be pretty free next week as long as it isn't an absurdly late time at night for me.
    Sorry for the late response I can play now or on the sixth
    No worries, on the 6th is fine
    Alright, I'm ready to play. Have the same name on showdown once you're ready
    Hey, we're paired for the VGC 17 tournament. I live in the Central European Timezone(CET)

    Im available on:
    03.01. - 22:00-22:30 CET
    05.01. - 22:00-22:30 CET
    06.01. - 19:00-19:30 CET

    Now that the standarts are met, i should be pretty free next week as long as it isn't an absurdly late time at night for me.
    Hello, just wanted to leave you a message that I think you're a cool person. That is all.
    hahaha thanks! where the hell did that come from though?
    Legacy Raider
    Legacy Raider
    Haha sorry for the randomness. I was just reading some very old threads and came across some posts by you that led me to my opinion. (Drink probably pushed me to share that opinion though lol)
    haha nice. It's fine. You were a user I held in very high regard when starting out, so it was cool
    i'm considering hosting a dpp ubers+farceus tour, is it ok with you if i name it after your own tour?
    What's your availability for the UU tournament? I'm on eastern time and Wednesday after about 9pm will probably work and possibly tonight or Tuesday night after about 10pm.
    let me know if u cant read my response lmao
    maybe ur post was just too witty. seems like shit went over my head
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