Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

Splatoon community went back to forums lately after Twitter drama. A friend talked to me and was like, "This means there'll be way more thoughtful posts!" And they seemed so dismayed when I thought of this thread, and thought... No. It's 90% Twitter, 10% good posts.

Hell, my post here is bad. This post sucks. It's basically a tweet.
10%? lul
i'm not looking for an easy way to get them, i'm just looking for a way that isn't such a slog and doesn't depend on getting lucky enough to not match up into better players' suspect alts for 30+ games. give people an elo goal so they don't have to spin up a new alt every time they lose 3 games. give the good tour players suspect tours so they don't have to slog their way through ladder and other players don't have to be sniped by them, it's a win-win. both of these are good options and should be implemented
if you aren't motivated to play for a couple of hours to vote then you're probably just not dedicated enough

realistically the suspect alt thing rarely comes up, at most you're getting maybe 2 or 3 per alt, and if you're good enough you can probably come back from losing to a few of those, and they have a higher gxe than most of low ladder generally so you're not losing as much when you do

laddering is a pretty convenient and reliable way to get reqs, idt you're gonna be dragging away tour players from the ladder by introducing suspect tours
if you aren't motivated to play for a couple of hours to vote then you're probably just not dedicated enough

realistically the suspect alt thing rarely comes up, at most you're getting maybe 2 or 3 per alt, and if you're good enough you can probably come back from losing to a few of those, and they have a higher gxe than most of low ladder generally so you're not losing as much when you do

laddering is a pretty convenient and reliable way to get reqs, idt you're gonna be dragging away tour players from the ladder by introducing suspect tours
Guy like me only suspect test ladders just to see if I'm good enough to
Splatoon community went back to forums lately after Twitter drama. A friend talked to me and was like, "This means there'll be way more thoughtful posts!" And they seemed so dismayed when I thought of this thread, and thought... No. It's 90% Twitter, 10% good posts.

Hell, my post here is bad. This post sucks. It's basically a tweet.
I think you mean more like 1%, and that is being generous.
if you aren't motivated to play for a couple of hours to vote then you're probably just not dedicated enough

realistically the suspect alt thing rarely comes up, at most you're getting maybe 2 or 3 per alt, and if you're good enough you can probably come back from losing to a few of those, and they have a higher gxe than most of low ladder generally so you're not losing as much when you do

laddering is a pretty convenient and reliable way to get reqs, idt you're gonna be dragging away tour players from the ladder by introducing suspect tours
As someone who will never get requirements, it is just that one early loss can result in you struggling immensly to get back on track. Some of us don't have the patience to wait a couple of hours, not because we don't want to try, but because it can be a slog. We are motivated, it is just that it is so boring, that you lose motivation pretty quickly if a loss occurs, which will happen.
As someone who will never get requirements, it is just that one early loss can result in you struggling immensly to get back on track. Some of us don't have the patience to wait a couple of hours, not because we don't want to try, but because it can be a slog. We are motivated, it is just that it is so boring, that you lose motivation pretty quickly if a loss occurs, which will happen.
the pessimism isn't a good start lmao

in my experience early losses are the least frustrating. at that point it's very easy to reset and go again, it's far less annoying than when you have the sunk cost of being 35 games in and then start losing lmao

if you're starting to lose motivation quickly you should take a short break, i usually take a 5-10 minute break after each
loss, helps me avoid chaining losses & I can come back with a clear head and start again, definitely has helped me through quite a few suspects haha
I think you mean more like 1%, and that is being generous.

As someone who will never get requirements, it is just that one early loss can result in you struggling immensly to get back on track. Some of us don't have the patience to wait a couple of hours, not because we don't want to try, but because it can be a slog. We are motivated, it is just that it is so boring, that you lose motivation pretty quickly if a loss occurs, which will happen.
only problem for me is making good teams, i suck at it
only problem for me is making good teams, i suck at it
Same, I do have good teams, but for some reason I just don't want to use them and use gimmicky teams such as a galarian articuno team. I could probably create good teams with those mons, but I just don't for some reason. Idk why, but that's why I am now at 1300 lol.
Same, I do have good teams, but for some reason I just don't want to use them and use gimmicky teams such as a galarian articuno team. I could probably create good teams with those mons, but I just don't for some reason. Idk why, but that's why I am now at 1300 lol.
if you desperately need to use shitmons then you have 2 options:
1. dual screens
2. aurora veil

these 2 playstyles will allow any d-list shitter with a setup move to win a game. it requires little skill and becomes repetitive and boring but youll at least get to use your faves.

Pic of my first suspect battle lmao i love low ladder

Hydro Pump Roaring Moon

Bro really hates Great Tusk. Thankfully,
248 SpA Roaring Moon Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Great Tusk: 232-274 (53.4 - 63.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Get the Great Tusk on the switch-in thinking that you'll Dragon Dance/switch out. 2HKOs from there, ggs mate
0 SpA Roaring Moon Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Glimmora: 118-140 (38.4 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0- SpA Roaring Moon Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Glimmora: 106-126 (34.5 - 41%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
it was literally 0 spA, potentially even negative nature hahaha


What a kind young man
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absolutely trying to offend everyone but this is a pompous, elitist position to take. none of the proposed changes would open the floodgates to uninformed idiots getting reqs, which is the clear subtext here. uninformed idiots don't even know a suspect is happening. there are plenty of people with enough knowledge and skill that their voices should matter but who don't have the time, stamina, or luck to get reqs under the current system. just say you're scared of me being able to vote, cowards
Now that I finally have some time to be on my computer, let me address this very confusing counterargument in a mature manner.

First of all, assuming that after I make a disclaimer that I do not intend to offend anyone but then for you to just perceive it as that definitely seems quite confusing, and to do a personal jab at me too over just stating one of the basic foundations of getting reqs is also quite ridiculous. Now let's go into the changes; I will admit that I didn't see any argument about exposing reqs to people who wouldn't see it since this whole thread recently is just blabbering about how reqs should be easier for people, the whole idea of exposure for Smogon's biggest and most well known tier anyway shouldn't even be brought up since there's already a good amount of advertising and knowledge about it all across the Pokemon community. Now after you make this statement you just a whole 180 on what you were originally saying? Exposure about a suspect and reqs for a suspect don't even correlate at all so I don't really know why this was brought up right after this...and then for you to say that "oh but smart people do exist and should be heard but they arent dedicated/good enough to get reqs" after trying to refute my own opinion that you literally disagreed with?? If you are not dedicated or skilled enough to take your time and get reqs for a tier you play, you simply do not and should not have the right to vote. I don't really see how this is an issue considering its literally one of the golden rules about getting reqs for any suspect in the history of all suspects. For you to go from an insult, to an unnecessary addition to an argument, to just agreeing and providing the argument you're against right seems very odd to do here. Is there anything that's relevant to the current reqs discussion that you would like to say back instead of being passive aggressive?
if you desperately need to use shitmons then you have 2 options:
1. dual screens
2. aurora veil

these 2 playstyles will allow any d-list shitter with a setup move to win a game. it requires little skill and becomes repetitive and boring but youll at least get to use your faves.

Pic of my first suspect battle lmao i love low ladder

View attachment 599933
is this a gen 3 OU game? wtf is this!

Another question for OU. Why is low ladder hated so much? I get it might be because of low quality or off meta team comps, but I wouldn’t expect it to be hated that much.
We hate losing and low ladder players are all in the kitchen and sometimes you just lose to the worst thing you've ever seen and it's extremely tilting.
Well, I’ve done everything in my power. I’ve shown and proven Ampharos has a niche in OU. I’ve brought the optimized set. I’ve shown replays. Grrrrr!!!! I haven’t made an RMT about her yet. AMPHAROS BETTER BE AT LEAST NU AFTER TIER SHIFTS!!!
Well, I’ve done everything in my power. I’ve shown and proven Ampharos has a niche in OU. I’ve brought the optimized set. I’ve shown replays. Grrrrr!!!! I haven’t made an RMT about her yet. AMPHAROS BETTER BE AT LEAST NU AFTER TIER SHIFTS!!!
You do realise that to rise into NU, it has to be used enough in NU? Rising up a tier that is not OU is not affected by OU statistics. I'm sorry, but that sadly ain't happening. It is cool to see a niche of a mon, and I would love to see that RMT. There is a forum called the niche heat brigade for mons that have niches in OU, but are not OU, so you can post a set of ampharos there.
Also, what other lower tier mon would you do next? You can't do ludicolo, cause I've already done that, sorry.
In 2009, there was a huge policy debate about changing the outcome of matches based on "more skillful play" to eliminate losses based on severe luck. It turned out to be a giant April Fool's prank. I recommend reading through the script; it's pretty fascinating, and hilarious to see the "roles" that both contrived and genuine forum posts tend to gravitate towards.

In your case, while the statistics themselves are objective, interpretation of them is not. If I Mist Ball exactly once and get the drop, is that hax? Or would it be hax to not get the drop? If I use Iron head twice and it flinches once, is that hax? That's a 50% flinch rate, but it's as close as possible to its innate 30% chance, so should it be considered the expected outcome or 20 percent higher (or 50/30 = ~67% higher?). Moreover, not all instances of hax are equally impactful, or can even be subjectively impactful—a crit on a move that already KO'd wouldn't matter at all, and a crit dealing 90 instead of 60 might not matter since it was a 2HKO anyway, but it could have impacted the decision not to switch due to being in Stealth Rock KO range etc. Trying to create a formula that accurately measures luck and applies an outcome to your ladder ranking is nightmarishly complex and subject to endless argument.
Neither would be considered hax because you did it once and both outcomes are pretty expected. And that’s what the small statistical math is for.
If you used Mist Ball 8 times, you’d expect SpD to drop 4 times in what ever order they drop. Think of it as a bell curve. Getting 0 or 1 SpA drops would be considered very unlucky, which is pretty obvious, while getting 8 SpA drops would be considered very luck. Being that 0 and 8 are the furthest numbers away from 4. If you instead got 2/6 SpA drops, those are still unluckier/luckier than 4 but also not as much as 0/8. The higher the numbers deviate from the expected values, the greater the modifier would be. And with how it works, it still keeps the element of “statistical management skills”. I will admit, knowing not to throw your physical attacker against an Entie with Sacred Fire is a bad idea. Making better decisions based on probability is important, which is why I feel like it’s needed and not because I get tilted easily when ever I lose games and elo through no fault of my own. Knowing not to send out a Physical Attacker that isn’t burn proof should be rewarded. You could very well send out Dragonite, Dragon Dance multiple times, not get burned once, and win despite making terrible plays.
Yeah, somethings hax would matter, like dropping SpA vs a Physical Attacker, or even helpful, like being paralyzed in a StallvStall match-up and you get to PP stall the opponent for free. However the number of times hax will hurt you far outweighs number of times it’ll help you or be neutral.
You do realise that to rise into NU, it has to be used enough in NU? Rising up a tier that is not OU is not affected by OU statistics. I'm sorry, but that sadly ain't happening. It is cool to see a niche of a mon, and I would love to see that RMT. There is a forum called the niche heat brigade for mons that have niches in OU, but are not OU, so you can post a set of ampharos there.
Also, what other lower tier mon would you do next? You can't do ludicolo, cause I've already done that, sorry.
I’m actually confident all tier positions are based on OU usage. Like when DLC2 dropped, how could Terrakion have fallen to PU? It isn’t that it wasn’t used enough in NU, because it was classified OU, thus making it illegal in NU.
All this talk of leads is making me realize I should probably lead with my rocker. Like, once. And just click SR turn one. I think I've only done that once or twice, if at all. It is probably optimal, as most people don't lead with a Rapid Spinner. Most games I play, I never set rocks. Yet, I always have both a rocker and spinblocker. No wonder I'm a low ladder scrub (1400).
Now that I finally have some time to be on my computer, let me address this very confusing counterargument in a mature manner.

First of all, assuming that after I make a disclaimer that I do not intend to offend anyone but then for you to just perceive it as that definitely seems quite confusing, and to do a personal jab at me too over just stating one of the basic foundations of getting reqs is also quite ridiculous. Now let's go into the changes; I will admit that I didn't see any argument about exposing reqs to people who wouldn't see it since this whole thread recently is just blabbering about how reqs should be easier for people, the whole idea of exposure for Smogon's biggest and most well known tier anyway shouldn't even be brought up since there's already a good amount of advertising and knowledge about it all across the Pokemon community. Now after you make this statement you just a whole 180 on what you were originally saying? Exposure about a suspect and reqs for a suspect don't even correlate at all so I don't really know why this was brought up right after this...and then for you to say that "oh but smart people do exist and should be heard but they arent dedicated/good enough to get reqs" after trying to refute my own opinion that you literally disagreed with?? If you are not dedicated or skilled enough to take your time and get reqs for a tier you play, you simply do not and should not have the right to vote. I don't really see how this is an issue considering its literally one of the golden rules about getting reqs for any suspect in the history of all suspects. For you to go from an insult, to an unnecessary addition to an argument, to just agreeing and providing the argument you're against right seems very odd to do here. Is there anything that's relevant to the current reqs discussion that you would like to say back instead of being passive aggressive?
i think there are a couple misunderstandings here:
  • i wasn't accusing you of trying to offend, i was making a tongue-in-cheek statement implying that i was trying to offend. and if you were actually not trying to offend anyone, wouldn't it be better to say nothing at all instead of putting a disclaimer in front of a statement you suspect could offend people?
  • i think you got too caught up on "uninformed idiots don't even know a suspect is going on". that wasn't meant to be a statement for or against anything, like you seem to interpret it as. it was supposed to be an example of how the suspect process wouldn't be compromised by uninformed idiots if the proposed reqs changes were implemented. "exposure" has nothing to do with it
  • how did i do a 180 on what i was originally saying? i started saying that grinding for reqs is too punishing and can potentially exclude good players from having a say, so it would be good to have some sort of alternative path for the less rng-favored amongst us. that's the same thing i'm still saying. my argument's been self-consistent so far, i think you're just having trouble keeping up
  • saying someone shouldn't have the right to vote in any context is kinda yikes
I’m actually confident all tier positions are based on OU usage. Like when DLC2 dropped, how could Terrakion have fallen to PU? It isn’t that it wasn’t used enough in NU, because it was classified OU, thus making it illegal in NU.
No, only new drops are handled by usage in OU, I don't know the numbers exactly but only for new drops such as dlc or a new generation, something that has less than 0.01% usage may go directly to PU for example. This is why in previous generations, if quagsire hit the usage rate in OU, it went directly to OU, but it would then take 4 months to drop back down to its normal home.
I’m actually confident all tier positions are based on OU usage. Like when DLC2 dropped, how could Terrakion have fallen to PU? It isn’t that it wasn’t used enough in NU, because it was classified OU, thus making it illegal in NU.
that's not how it normally works, but i can understand the confusion. how new-dlc tiering works is that every newly introduced non-lc/nfe thing starts in ou. then, at the end of the month, their usage in ou determines what tier they next end up in. that's the only time when lower-tier positions are based on ou usage. at any other point, tier rises are based on "whatever the highest tier is where this mon is above 4.52% usage" and tier drops are "from the tier where it currently is to the tier directly below that". so the usage of ampharos in ou will never raise it to nu. if it's used enough in nu, it'll rise to there. but if it's used enough in ou, it'll jump directly to there

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