Pet Mod Fusion Evolution Under Used (Conclusion | Fully Playable! | Please read posts #1, #3 and #4 | Not open for submissions!)


is a Community Contributor
Tour Night #1 Usage Stats

Tour Night 1 Usage

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Glidol             |   19 |  50.00% |  31.58% |
| 2    | Gossephalon        |   11 |  28.95% |  45.45% |
| 2    | Slowton            |   11 |  28.95% |  36.36% |
| 4    | Weezlord-Galar     |   10 |  26.32% |  70.00% |
| 4    | Hattaka            |   10 |  26.32% |  70.00% |
| 6    | Kyottler           |    9 |  23.68% |  66.67% |
| 6    | Maroligatr-Alola   |    9 |  23.68% |  55.56% |
| 6    | Manicuno-Galar     |    9 |  23.68% |  44.44% |
| 9    | Ninjacross         |    8 |  21.05% |  75.00% |
| 9    | Cofazor            |    8 |  21.05% |  62.50% |
| 11   | Cryogolem          |    7 |  18.42% |  71.43% |
| 12   | Scolisharp         |    6 |  15.79% |  66.67% |
| 12   | Frozerade          |    6 |  15.79% |  33.33% |
| 14   | Lycanserker-Dusk   |    5 |  13.16% |  60.00% |
| 14   | Landmaldo-Therian  |    5 |  13.16% |  40.00% |
| 14   | Pincurchitar       |    5 |  13.16% |  40.00% |
| 14   | Talonsyl           |    5 |  13.16% |  40.00% |
| 14   | Toucosta           |    5 |  13.16% |  20.00% |
| 14   | Mesflame           |    5 |  13.16% |  20.00% |
| 14   | Meloslash          |    5 |  13.16% |   0.00% |
| 21   | Tentoxys-Defense   |    4 |  10.53% | 100.00% |
| 21   | Arctres-Galar      |    4 |  10.53% |  75.00% |
| 21   | Flygalge           |    4 |  10.53% |  50.00% |
| 21   | Tanette            |    4 |  10.53% |  50.00% |
| 21   | Clawliwrath        |    4 |  10.53% |  50.00% |
| 21   | Absable            |    4 |  10.53% |  25.00% |
| 21   | Corveot            |    4 |  10.53% |  25.00% |
| 21   | Dracodoom          |    4 |  10.53% |  25.00% |
| 29   | Noicity            |    3 |   7.89% |  66.67% |
| 29   | Grousle            |    3 |   7.89% |  66.67% |
| 29   | Glasnow            |    3 |   7.89% |  66.67% |
| 29   | Kokovoir           |    3 |   7.89% |  66.67% |
| 29   | Heatki             |    3 |   7.89% |  66.67% |
| 29   | Dusking            |    3 |   7.89% |   0.00% |
| 35   | Hooporant          |    2 |   5.26% | 100.00% |
| 35   | Flaant             |    2 |   5.26% |  50.00% |
| 35   | Sableior           |    2 |   5.26% |  50.00% |
| 35   | Chomplim           |    2 |   5.26% |  50.00% |
| 35   | Jelliswine         |    2 |   5.26% |   0.00% |
| 40   | Tornachamp         |    1 |   2.63% | 100.00% |
| 40   | Eeluk              |    1 |   2.63% | 100.00% |
| 40   | Ferros             |    1 |   2.63% | 100.00% |
| 40   | Toxalure           |    1 |   2.63% | 100.00% |
| 40   | Garborude          |    1 |   2.63% | 100.00% |
| 40   | Dongoro            |    1 |   2.63% | 100.00% |
| 40   | Brontun            |    1 |   2.63% |   0.00% |
| 40   | Grimmlurk          |    1 |   2.63% |   0.00% |
| 40   | Dragontler         |    1 |   2.63% |   0.00% |
| 40   | Yacian-Crowned     |    1 |   2.63% |   0.00% |

Heavy Glidol Usage, low winrate
| 1 | Glidol | 19 | 50.00% | 31.58% |
Glidol saw (unsurprisingly) the most usage of any fusion during these tours. However, it also sported a pretty dismal winrate, winning less than a third of its games. This points towards a meta that is finally adapting to Glidol's presence and running more punishing countermeasures, like Weezlord and Cryogolem.

| 2 | Gossephalon | 11 | 28.95% | 45.45% |
Gosse saw a lot of usage. Not sure why, it's winrate isn't particularly impressive and I believe this is mainly due to the fact that several spammed teams happened to contain it. I don't think this guy is anywhere near top tier but it's an ok offensive spinner.

Electrics are back baby
| 2 | Slowton | 11 | 28.95% | 36.36% |
| 11 | Cryogolem | 7 | 18.42% | 71.43% |
Both Slowton and Cryogolem saw good usage during these games, with Slowton being second with a subpar winrate and Cryogolem much lower, but with a much better winrate. I think this points towards a metagame that is gradually adapting to Glidol's influence. While Slowton still struggled in a Glidol meta, Cryogolem prospered due to its ground immunity and Ice STAB, alongside the utilzation of recover to stick around the whole match. It is likely the best Glidol counter in the game and a phenomenally reliable spinner+pivot.

Top tier fairies
| 4 | Weezlord-Galar | 10 | 26.32% | 70.00% |
| 4 | Hattaka | 10 | 26.32% | 70.00% |
Weezlord and Hattaka had identical usage stats across these games with an incredible 70% winrate each. Weezlord has incredible staying power and annoys several metagame staples (like glidol) like no other. Lefties+Protect was the most common set, with really only the fourth moveslot seeing a lot of variation (wisp, defog, tspikes, etc). Overall a solid and splashable option. Hattaka, on the other hand, really only saw success in cheesier scenarios- Trick Room and CM+ID sets. The CM+ID Draining Kiss set was particularly degenerate and much too successful for what it is. Expect a nerf.

Where bird
| 21 | Corveot | 4 | 10.53% | 25.00% |
Corveot sucked this time around. A lot of slowton=sad bird

| 14 | Meloslash | 5 | 13.16% | 0.00% |
Meloslash saw decent usage and not a single win. Both forms were utilized, both lost. Unfortunate.

Flaant is better than Brontun???????/??
| 35 | Flaant | 2 | 5.26% | 50.00% |
no elaboration

There's plenty of other stuff to look at, but that's all I have to say for now. Expect more tour nights coming soon!


long day at job
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
alright second tour day. this one was significantly smaller so i'm combining the previous tour's stats with this one.


+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Glidol             |   24 |  46.15% |  29.17% |
| 2    | Weezlord-Galar     |   15 |  28.85% |  66.67% |
| 3    | Gossephalon        |   14 |  26.92% |  50.00% |
| 4    | Slowton            |   13 |  25.00% |  30.77% |
| 5    | Maroligatr-Alola   |   12 |  23.08% |  58.33% |
| 6    | Ninjacross         |   11 |  21.15% |  63.64% |
| 6    | Kyottler           |   11 |  21.15% |  63.64% |
| 6    | Hattaka            |   11 |  21.15% |  63.64% |
| 6    | Cofazor            |   11 |  21.15% |  54.55% |
| 6    | Manicuno-Galar     |   11 |  21.15% |  45.45% |
| 11   | Cryogolem          |    8 |  15.38% |  75.00% |
| 11   | Tanette            |    8 |  15.38% |  37.50% |
| 13   | Arctres-Galar      |    7 |  13.46% |  71.43% |
| 13   | Pincurchitar       |    7 |  13.46% |  57.14% |
| 13   | Corveot            |    7 |  13.46% |  42.86% |
| 13   | Frozerade          |    7 |  13.46% |  42.86% |
| 13   | Landmaldo-Therian  |    7 |  13.46% |  28.57% |
| 13   | Toucosta           |    7 |  13.46% |  28.57% |
| 13   | Mesflame           |    7 |  13.46% |  14.29% |
| 20   | Lycanserker-Dusk   |    6 |  11.54% |  66.67% |
| 20   | Scolisharp         |    6 |  11.54% |  66.67% |
| 20   | Dracodoom          |    6 |  11.54% |  50.00% |
| 20   | Clawliwrath        |    6 |  11.54% |  33.33% |
| 20   | Meloslash          |    6 |  11.54% |  16.67% |
| 25   | Kokovoir           |    5 |   9.62% |  60.00% |
| 25   | Brontun            |    5 |   9.62% |  40.00% |
| 25   | Glasnow            |    5 |   9.62% |  40.00% |
| 25   | Absable            |    5 |   9.62% |  40.00% |
| 25   | Talonsyl           |    5 |   9.62% |  40.00% |
| 30   | Tentoxys-Defense   |    4 |   7.69% | 100.00% |
| 30   | Sableior           |    4 |   7.69% |  75.00% |
| 30   | Heatki             |    4 |   7.69% |  75.00% |
| 30   | Hooporant          |    4 |   7.69% |  75.00% |
| 30   | Chomplim           |    4 |   7.69% |  75.00% |
| 30   | Noicity            |    4 |   7.69% |  50.00% |
| 30   | Flygalge           |    4 |   7.69% |  50.00% |
| 37   | Eeluk              |    3 |   5.77% | 100.00% |
| 37   | Grousle            |    3 |   5.77% |  66.67% |
| 37   | Jelliswine         |    3 |   5.77% |  33.33% |
| 37   | Dusking            |    3 |   5.77% |   0.00% |
| 41   | Miemie             |    2 |   3.85% |  50.00% |
| 41   | Stoudrago          |    2 |   3.85% |  50.00% |
| 41   | Toxalure           |    2 |   3.85% |  50.00% |
| 41   | Flaant             |    2 |   3.85% |  50.00% |
| 41   | Dragontler         |    2 |   3.85% |   0.00% |
| 41   | Yacian-Crowned     |    2 |   3.85% |   0.00% |
| 47   | Volquag            |    1 |   1.92% | 100.00% |
| 47   | Tornachamp         |    1 |   1.92% | 100.00% |
| 47   | Ferros             |    1 |   1.92% | 100.00% |
| 47   | Garborude          |    1 |   1.92% | 100.00% |
| 47   | Dongoro            |    1 |   1.92% | 100.00% |
| 47   | Pigapult           |    1 |   1.92% |   0.00% |
| 47   | Grimmlurk          |    1 |   1.92% |   0.00% |
the trends are pretty similar to last time:
  • glidol still has the highest usage (46%) with a bad winrate (29%)
  • gossephalon still has very high usage (27%) with an unimpressive winrate (50%)
  • slowton and cryogolem are common, with slowton having a bad winrate (30%) and cryogolem having a good winrate (75%)
  • weezlord and hattataka have very good winrates (67% and 64%, respectively)
  • meloslash still sucks (17% winrate)
however, a couple new trends:
  • corveot and brontun improved in winrate
  • weezlord rose to #2 usage
and a couple earl didn't mention:
  • arctres-galar is doing very well (often using offensive sets to great effect) while mesflame is suffering
  • frozerade buff might be overhyped because its performance currently is underwhelming
  • rip dusking/dragontler/yacian-c/pigapult/grimmlurk
brace yourselves a wave of buff/nerfs will come soon


Intentional Femboy Penguin
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor
Community Leader
Council Announcements!

While the thread was on Hiatus, the Council has discussed both the current state of the metagame and the current submission format. After the tournaments and some discussion, we now have an official Viability Ranking, new Buffs and Nerfs and lastly some minor changes to the Submission System.

FE UU Viability Ranking

I'll be very straight to the point here. This is what the council has figured out as our current VR. Not much else to say here other than the fact this isn't taking into account the new buffs and nerfs, and that Silvino / Mega Silvino are ranked according to their highest-ranking type.


Buffs and Nerfs

Pretty straightforward stuff, the more extreme Pokémon in the mod are getting a few changes to mix their viability a bit.



Hattaka has proven to be rather problematic in the tours. The combination of Stats, Ability and Type together make this into essentially a stronger Magearna. The problematic set was composed of Iron Defense / Calm Mind / Draining Kiss / one of Body Press or Stored Power. Our way to nerf this is through changing it from
. This should reduce Draining Kiss' viability as well as open it up for more weaknesses.


While not anywhere as problematic, Glidol could do with a nerf. It gains two slight nerfs. The first is a shuffling on its Bonus Stats, turning its stats to a new spread of 67 / 94 / 124 / 67 / 97 / 94. This is a simple bulk nerf for it to be slightly more breakeable. The other nerf comes in form of its ability, going from Poison Heal + Poison Immunity into just the combined effects of Poison Heal and Levitate. This may seem rather pointless, but it allows
Yacian-Crowned and
Kokovoir to switch into it and be immune to its main STAB.



Eternabat now gets a small bonus stat shuffle to now being 103 / 73 / 73 / 118 / 73 / 106, as well as having it's ability changed to making the opponent's item have no effect while this pokémon is active. Its new Speed Tier and Ability should allow it to be an effective Revenge Killer with Choice Scarf.


Dusking now gets King of Power Points to now being Overseeing Monarch, which has the combined effects of Frisk + Regenerator. This should diversify it from
Tentoxys-Defense as well as offer more artificial bulk.


Flaant gets a bonus stat shuffle to now being 76 / 124 / 109 / 76 / 59 / 109. Thisbumps up its power level further to mitigate its poor STAB combo, as well as allowing Superpower to hit our relevant Steels harder.

tapu lop.png

Tapu Lop gets a bonus stat shuffle to 80 / 80 / 79 / 103 / 105 / 116. This should allow it to cancel out opposing Choice Scarfs from the crowded 110 Speed Tier and work as a form of Speed Control.


Kingtsar gets a bonus stat shuffle to 65 / 145 / 106 / 50 / 74 / 91. Rather simple and straightforward buff that should allow it to keep up with the more recent metagame additions and stand up to its competition.


Pigapult gets a bonus stat shuffle to 89 / 116 / 65 / 95 / 65 / 118 and an ability change for Inthicktrator to now Ignore Screens, Substitute and Ability-Based Resistances. The better Attack stat and Ability should allow it to fill an unique niche as a Fire type that can break through
Jelliswine and


Strikados-Galar gets a bonus stat shuffle to 86 / 123 / 84 / 82 / 86 / 115 and an ability change to Chivalry. This allows it to be a more efficient Defog punisher, as well as getting a better Speed tier.


Absable gets a small ability buff that allows Dark Humour to activate with self-targetting Status Moves. This allows Mega X to set up further before Mega Evolving.


Thornbro-Galar gets a bonus stat shuffle to 101 / 99 / 113 / 80 / 111 / 25. This allows it to be a more mixed wall and opens up space for Specially Defensive oriented sets, diversifying it from Tanette.

New Rules

We have had a small change to our Fusion Tool. Namely, we removed leftovers that we were no longer using, but also added the following two:

Intended Role: A brief description of what you fusion aims to do. Simple things such as "Set-Up Sweeper" or "Hazard Control" will suffice (You can have more than one role). If in doubt, check out the Spreadsheet and see what roles our current fusions fill.
In general, the rolesto be considered are:
[Physical/Special/Mixed] wallbreaker
Setup Sweeper ([insert setup move])
[field] Abuser
Choice [Band/Specs/Scarf]
Offensive Pivot

[Physical/Special/Mixed] Wall
Setup Check
Wish Passer
Defensive Pivot

Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web)
Hazard Control (Rapid Spin, Defog, Court Change)
Hazard Control Deterrent (Defiant/Competitive/[insert ability])
[field] Setter

Role Justification: Here is where you explain how this fusion manages to fill its intended role.

Both of these are now required parts of the submission process. By the time the Revision Phase drops, your posts should all include these informations.

Now lets put the new rules to test, shall we? Slate 13 begins now!
Last edited:


long day at job
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
third times the charm

DNA Donors/ Parents: Luxray / Bruxish
Offspring Name: Bruxray
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 120 / 82 / 85 / 82 / 86 [BST: 537] (+8 HP / +8 Atk / +8 Def / +3 SpA / +8 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Gutsy Jaw = (Guts + Strong Jaw)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Thunder Fang, Psychic Fangs, Ice Fang, Crunch, Liquidation, Superpower
Volt Switch
Swords Dance, Taunt
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker
Role Justification: electric/psychic hits a lot of the meta and this mon has quite the power with guts + 127 bp psychic fangs. slow for a wallbreaker though, and absolutely bodied by yacian and weezlord

defensively checks: not much realistically, youd want to switch it in on a weak scald or something
defensively checked by: yacian, weezlord,
soft checked by: dracodoom (if no ice fang or superpower), glidol (if no ice fang), jelliswine (if no crunch), cofazor (if no crunch)

Bruxray @ Flame Orb
Ability: gutsyjaw
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Thunder Fang
- Psychic Fangs
- Superpower / Liquidation / Crunch / Ice Fang
- Swords Dance

DNA Donors: Torkoal / Swampert
Fusion Name: Swampkoal
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 100 / 120 / 100 / 90 / 42 [BST: 542] (+5 HP / +3 Atk / +5 Def / +15 SpA / +10 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: something = (Drought + Torrent)
Ability Description: Effects of Drought and Blaze.
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Body Press
Lava Plume, Earth Power, Scorching Sands
Stealth Rock, Will-o-Wisp
Intended Role: Sun Setter, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Hazard Control (Rapid Spin), Physical Wall
Role Justification: fat sun setter that unfortunately has no recovery. most likely for the best though.

defensively checks: slowton, hattataka, tanette
defensively checked by: flygalge, mesflame, toucosta, kyottler
soft checked by: jelliswine, eternabat, glidol

Swampkoal @ Heat Rock
Ability: something
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Lava Plume
- Earthquake / Earth Power / Scorching Sands / Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin / Stealth Rock
- Flip Turn

DNA Donors: Torkoal / Swampert-Mega
Fusion Name: Swampkoal-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 140 / 140 / 110 / 110 / 52 [BST: 642]
New Ability: Swift Swim
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Body Press, Heat Crash, Ice Punch, Stone Edge
Lava Plume, Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Fire Blast, Ice Beam
Stealth Rock, Will-o-Wisp, Rest, Shell Smash
Intended Role: Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Hazard Control (Rapid Spin), Physical Wall, Set-up Sweeper (Shell Smash)
Role Justification: fat stat stick. can maybe try to run smash? it has no good fire physical attack though

defensively checks: slowton, hattataka, tanette
defensively checked by: flygalge, mesflame, toucosta, kyottler
soft checked by: jelliswine, eternabat, glidol

Defensive (Swampkoal) @ Swampertite
Ability: something
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Lava Plume
- Earthquake / Earth Power / Scorching Sands / Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin / Stealth Rock
- Flip Turn

Offensive (Swampkoal) @ Swampertite
Ability: something
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest / Naive / Rash Nature
- Shell Smash
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power / Earthquake
- Ice Beam / Stone Edge

:swsh/milotic: :swsh/whimsicott:

DNA Donors/ Parents: Milotic / Whimsicott
Offspring Name: Whimsilotic
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 63 / 85 / 105 / 105 / 105 [BST: 548] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +17 SpA / +5 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Covert Ops = (Competitive + Infiltrator)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Flip Turn, Knock Off, U-Turn
Scald, Moonblast, Ice Beam, Giga Drain
Recover, Haze, Defog, Leech Seed, Taunt
Intended Role: Special Wall, Physical Wall, Defensive Pivot, Offensive Pivot, Hazard Control (Defog), Hazard Control Deterrent (Competitive)
Role Justification: versatile af. great offensive and defensive typing, beating arctres-galar in particular, and a lot of good support moves. partners real well with kyottler obviously cause of rain but less obviously by dissuading defogging its webs. i think its a good addition to the meta because a lot of the defensive checks to mons we have rn are weak to koff which is really weird. like:

weak to koff: toxalure, chomplim(-mega), dusking, jelliswine, tentoxys-defense, mesflame, sableior(-meteor, -mega), meloslash-ranged, cofazor(-mega), meloslash-ranged, hattataka
doesnt like koff: slowton (vest); volquag, dragontler, toucosta, gossephalon, kyottler (hdb)
resists koff but doesnt like koff: tanette (evio); arctres, talonsyl, umbat (hdb)

resists koff: tapu lop (lol), igglyzenta (lol), tornachamp
doesnt care about koff: miemie (to an extent), slurpum, glidol, ferros, xotalion, any mega not weak to koff

so i think more koff resistant mons are good and this is a good koff resistant mon.

defensively checks: arctres-galar, pigapult, glidol, scolisharp, ninjacross, weezlord-galar, glasnow, clawliwrath, cofazor, heatki
defensively checked by: volquag, slowton, ferros, tentoxys-defense, thornbro-galar, snortine
soft checked by: jelliswine, kyottler, hooporant, gossephalon

Defensive (Whimsilotic) @ Leftovers
Ability: covertops
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD or 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm / Timid Nature
- Scald
- Moonblast
- Recover
- Knock Off / Flip Turn / Defog / Taunt

Offensive (Whimsilotic) @ Choice Specs / Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: covertops
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump / Scald
- Moonblast
- Recover / Ice Beam / Flip Turn
- Switcheroo / Ice Beam / Flip Turn

DNA Donors/ Parents: Toxicroak / Infernape
Offspring Name: Toxicape
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 115 / 80 / 95 / 80 / 101 [BST: 551] (+1 HP / +10 Atk / +12 Def / +0 SpA / +12 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Iron Skin = (Dry Skin + Iron Fist)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Gunk Shot, Close Combat, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Mach Punch
Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Slack Off
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock)
Role Justification: stallbreaker due to water and poison (the status) immunity as well as some useful resistances to poison (the type), grass, bug, dark, etc. for those utility moves. beats weezlord which is pretty cool. its not that strong though and the speed is middling

offensively checks: kingtsar, tanette, snortine, garborude, tentoxys-defense, pincurchitar (if not eq), scolisharp, ninjacross, weezlord-galar, clawriwrath
defensively checked by: toxalure (if not koff), flygalge (if not ice punch), sableior-mega (if not koff), glidol (if not ice punch), cofazor (if not koff or eq)
soft checked by: sableior, maroligatr, slowton

Toxicape @ Expert Belt / Lum Berry
Ability: Iron Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Close Combat
- Knock Off / Ice Punch / Earthquake
- Swords Dance

Toxicape @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Iron Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Close Combat
- Knock Off / Thunder Punch / Earthquake
- Ice Punch / Earthquake

DNA Donors/ Parents: Espeon / Wigglytuff
Offspring Name: Wiggleon
New Types:

Base Stats: 110 / 75 / 55 / 110 / 75 / 92 [BST: 517] (+8HP / +8 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +15 Spe)
New Ability: Competitive Bounce = (Magic Bounce + Competitive)
Ability Description: If this Pokemon's status moves are bounced, or its stats are lowered, this Pokemon's SpA is raised by 2.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Knock Off
Psychic, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Blast, Focus Blast
Stealth Rock, Calm Mind, Morning Sun, Teleport
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Hazard Control Deterrent (Competitive, Competitive Bounce)
Role Justification: my quest to emulate CS1 Druddigon has taken a weird turn but a turn for the better i think. has a good matchup against both magic bouncers and raises its power if rocks are bounced or hit by a defog. doesnt spinblock though and its speed is kinda middling with ass physical def

offensively checks: miemie, snortine
defensively checked by: corveot(-mega) (if no fire blast), ferros (if no focus blast), tentoxys-defense, brontun (if no focus blast), mesflame, pincurchitar (if unboosted), heatki (if no focus blast)
soft checked by: cofazor, xotalion

Wiggleon @ Expert Belt / Choice Specs / Choice Scarf / Life Orb
Ability: Competitive Bounce
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock / Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Fire Blast / Focus Blast
- Stealth Rock

DNA Donors/ Parents: Celesteela / Mr. Mime-Galar
Offspring Name: Mr. Celeste
New Types:

Base Stats: 83 / 83 / 97 / 113 / 97 / 80 [BST: 553] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +13 Def / +15 SpA / +2 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Parasomnia = (Beast Boost + Vital Spirit)
Ability Description: Whenever this Pokemon knocks out an opposing Pokemon or falls asleep, its highest non-HP stat is boosted by 1 stage.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Rapid Spin
Flash Cannon, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball
Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Autotomize, Leech Seed, Rest, Sleep Talk
Intended Role: special setup sweeper, maybe a kind of bulky spinner
Role Justification: dual screens kinda sucks so heres an ok booster in it. basically you can use double dance or autotomize + 3 attacks and hit most things with your very wide coverage. its like magearna but not as good an defensive typing, no fairy nuke, but higher speed and sleep "punisher" (which might help against slurpum which can tank your momentum unless you use kokovoir). will this use rest(talk)? not sure but im leaning toward "probably not"

offensively checks: tanette, manicuno, slurpum, corveot, tentoxys-defense, frozerade, hattataka, kokovoir, cofazor
defensively checked by: really depends on its moveset but stuff like slowton, brontun, jelliswine, volquag, pinch, and heatki can do well
soft checked by: really depends on its moveset

dual screen booster (Mr. Celeste) @ Expert Belt / Iapapa Berry
Ability: Parasomnia
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Autotomize / coverage of choice
- idk something like boltbeam, flash cannon + shadow ball, psyshock + fire blast/focus blast, theres a lot of options here

resttalker (Mr. Celeste) @ Leftovers / Chesto Berry
Ability: Parasomnia
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe? 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD? 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA? im not sure
Modest / Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Sleep Talk / Calm Mind / coverage of choice
- idk something like boltbeam, flash cannon + shadow ball, psyshock + fire blast/focus blast, theres a lot of options here

defensive (Mr. Celeste) @ Leftovers
Ability: Parasomnia
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Flash Cannon / Psyshock
- Rapid Spin / Flamethrower / Focus Blast
- Protect / Rapid Spin / Focus Blast
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Ema Skye

Love the buffs and looking forward to the meta now.

DNA Donors/ Parents: Milotic / Rotom-Mow
Offspring Name: Milotom-Mow
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 78 / 95 / 105 / 120 / 95 [BST: 568] (+3 HP / +16 Atk / +2 Def / +3 SpA / +4 SpD / +12 Spe)
New Ability: Air Armada = (Levitate + Competitive)
Ability Description: Combined effects
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Flip Turn
… Surf, Scald, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Ice Beam, Leaf Storm
… Nasty Plot, Recover, Toxic, Haze, Defog, Will-o-Wisp
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Hazard Removal (Defog), Hazard Control Deterrant (Defog), Set Up Sweeper (Nasty Plot)
Role Justification: Here is an offensive pivot that takes on the Glidol/Corveot core. With an immunity to all of their offensive options, it has no problem switching in and forcing them out with the threat of a strong Water/Electric move. It is able to turn both into a set up opportunity for a Nasty Plot even. Water + BoltBeam hits so much in this meta, with the exception of Jelliswine (which is why it has Leaf Storm) and Brontun. Furthermore, it functions as a Defog blocker that is, first off, a special attacker, and, secondly, it is able to punish defog Glidol.
milotom-heat: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Electric"],
    species: "Milotom-Mow",
    id: "milotom-Mow",
    baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 78, def: 95, spa: 105, spd: 120, spe: 95}
    abilities: {0: "Air Armada"},
    weightkg: 81.15,
    fusion: ["Milotic", "Rotom-Mow"],
DNA Donors: Reuniclus / Cloyster
Fusion Name: Reunster
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 80 / 127 / 110 / 80 / 55 [BST: 547] (+15 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +15 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Magic Shell = (Magic Guard + Shell Armor)
Ability Description: Combined effects
Notable Moves:
… Knock Off, Rapid Spin
… Future Sight, Surf, Ice Beam, Psychic, Focus Blast
… Recover, Teleport, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Shell Smash
Intended Role: Hazards (Spikes, Toxic Spikes), Hazard removal (Rapid Spin), Defensive pivot, Sweeper (Shell Smash)
Role Justification: There are a few ways this mon can go. The first is a hazard set, which takes advantage of its access to two hazards, Rapid Spin and a hazard immunity. While it is weak to Ghost, it can punish them through Knock Off. This also gives it something to handle the bouncers (particularly Hatataka), although it probably won't stay in on the Absables. The second role it can take is a defensive pivot, which, again, takes advantage of Magic Guard and its access to FuturePort (no Regen though so it's not as annoying as Slowking/Slowbro) to support other wallbreakers. This set will struggle with Dark-types so pairing with something like Ninjacross might be a good idea. The last set is Shell Smash, which, again, uses Magic Guard + Focus Sash to guarantee the smash. Base 55 at +2 isn't that fast and it doesn't get the Skill Link options like regular Cloyster (which also stops King's Rock cheese).
reunster: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Water"],
    species: "Reunster",
    id: "reunister",
    baseStats: {hp: 95, atk: 80, def: 127, spa: 110, spd: 80, spe: 55}
    abilities: {0: "Magic Shell"},
    weightkg: 76.3,
    fusion: ["Reuniclus", "Cloyster"],
DNA Donors: Mimikyu / Excadrill
Fusion Name: Mimidrill
New Types:

Base Stats: 87 / 112 / 80 / 70 / 80 / 92 [BST: 531] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +20 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Theatrics = (Disguise + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: combined effects. Is not affected by Neutralizing Gas derived abilities.
Notable Moves:
… Earthquake, Play Rough, Stone Edge, Rapid Spin
… Swords Dance, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Set up mons aren't in a great place in the meta right now due to Weezlord, so enter Mimidrill. This is actually quite an anti-meta mon. Disguise abilities ignore Neutralizing Gas, so this can use its Disguise turn to set up a Swords Dance and pummel Weezlord with Play Rough. It may want to hold a Lum Berry to guarantee this against Wisp sets. This type combo also allows it to break Volquag with Earthquake, but it, again, might want Lum to cure a random burn. Additionally, it's a Stealth Rock mon that does well against all the bouncers, and, furthermore, ignores Magic Bounce through Mold Breaker to guarantee its Stealth Rock.
Role Justification:
mimidrill: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fairy", "Ground"],
    species: "Mimidrill",
    id: "mimidrill",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 115, def: 80, spa: 50, spd: 94, spe: 107}
    abilities: {0: "Theatrics"},
    weightkg: 20.55,
    fusion: ["Mimikyu", "Excadrill"],
DNA Donors: Golisopod / Regieleki
Fusion Name: Golisoleki
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 112 / 95 / 80 / 85 / 125 [BST: 594] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +15 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Electric Exit = (Emergency Exit + Transistor)
Ability Description: Emergency Exit effects. Being hit by an Electric move will always cause Emergency Exit to trigger, regardless of HP.
Notable Moves:
… First Impression, Wild Charge, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Extreme Speed
… Volt Switch
… Spikes, Light Screen, Reflect
Intended Role: Defensive pivot, offensive pivot, screens lead, hazards (spikes), hazard removal (rapid spin), revenge killer
Role Justification: I've been trying for months to make a balanced Eleki fusion and I think this works and is quite cool! Emergency Exit is a cool ability, and it really shines on something fast. This mon can accomplish a few different roles. It can be a cool lead, setting up a spike or a screen and then being forced out with Exit. It can use its quite good bulk (Swampert level!) to act as a midground to bring something else in safely. It can also fast pivot stuff in through Volt Switch or slow pivot something in through Exit. It can also revenge kill stuff through First Impression and, if it doesn't kill, still be forced out. The Electric effect in the ability helps it act as a midground to check Slowton, Cryogolem, Noicity and Eeluk, among others. Emergency Exit has the unique effect of cancelling out pivot moves with the switch, so it's a surprising check to Volt Switch in regaining momentum. If you predict the Volt Switch, you can bring this in. All of this does require the use of HDB to achieve, which helps balance it given that it has no access to recovery to supplement its raw natural bulk.
golisoleki: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Bug", "Electric"],
    species: "Golisoleki",
    id: "golisoleki",
    baseStats: {hp: 97, atk: 112, def: 95, spa: 80, spd: 85, spe: 125}
    abilities: {0: "Electric Exit"},
    weightkg: 126.5,
    fusion: ["Golisopod", "Regieleki"],
DNA Donors: Cursola / Jirachi
Fusion Name: Curachi
New Types:

Base Stats: 94 / 104 / 76 / 140 / 115 / 65 [BST: 594] (+14 HP / +7 Atk / +1 Def / +18 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Phantom of the Opera = (Perish Body + Serene Grace)
Ability Description: After this Pokemon is hit by a move with an added effect, Perish Song begins. While Perish Song is playing, this Pokemon's moves have their effect chances doubled.
Notable Moves:
… U-Turn
… Doom Desire, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon
… Stealth Rock, Calm Mind
Intended Role: Offensive pivot, Calm Mind breaker, Stealth Rock setter
Role Justification: Doom Desire + Perish Body have some interesting interactions due to the timing mechanics of them, as they put the foe under two delayed effects they have to manage, especially because the Doom Desire switch (also known as the check/counter) will probably be brought in anyways. This mon, as a result, forces a lot of switches, which perfectly matches with its access to U-Turn and Stealth Rock. Looking for a different option, a Calm Mind setter is possible to try and encourage Perish Song to play.
curachi: {
	num: 75000###, 
	types:["Ghost", "Steel"],
	species: "Curachi", 
	id: "curachi", 
	baseStats: {hp: 94, atk: 104, def: 76, spa: 140, spd: 115, spe: 65} 
	abilities: {0: "Phantom of the Opera"}, 
	weightkg: 0.75, 
	fusion: ["Cursola", "Jirachi"],
DNA Donors: Ninetales-Alola / Hawlucha
Fusion Name: Luchatales-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 81 / 98 / 75 / 77 / 81 / 128 [BST: 540] (+6 HP / +19 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +15 Spe)
New Ability: Snow Breaker = (Snow Warning + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: Combined effects
Notable Moves:
… High Jump Kick, Triple Axel, Throat Chop, Poison Jab, U-Turn, Ice Shard
… Swords Dance/Hone Claws, Encore, Heal Bell, Aurora Veil, Defog
Intended Role: Physical attacker (Swords Dance), Cleric, Screens, Weather (Hail), Hazard removal (Defog)
Role Justification: We don't have a proper Snow Warning user in the mod, but this is more than a veil spammer. The STAB combo is quite strong, and it gets the right coverage options to break the few resists (Hooporant). Mold Breaker is quite helpful here in breaking the Thick Fat mons, making Brontun less of a counter and absolutely eviscerating Jelliswine. Using its speed and access to U-Turn, it can also take on supportive roles, such as Defog or Heal Bell. Hone Claws particularly deserves a mention here even though it's not normally good as it guarantees HJK and Axel never miss, so it is free to spam them without worrying about missing (though it will still need to be wary of Ghosts for HJK's recoil).
luchatales-alola: {
	num: 75000###, 
	types:["Ice", "Fighting"],
	species: "Luchatales-Alola", 
	id: "luchatales-alola", 
	baseStats: {hp: 81, atk: 98, def: 75, spa: 77, spd: 81, spe: 128} 
	abilities: {0: "Snow Breaker"}, 
	weightkg: 20.7, 
	fusion: ["Ninetales-Alola", "Hawlucha"],
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(rotom-heat/togekiss exists in fealpha :psycry:)
Parents: Rotom-Wash / Togekiss
Offspring Name: Rotokiss-Wash
New Types:

Base Stats: 77/57/111/122/111/83 (+10 HP, +15 Def, +10 SpA, +5 SpD) BST: 571
New Ability: Clear Skies (Levitate + Serene Grace): Serene Grace + immune to secondary effects (aka Shield Dust)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Air Slash, Hydro Pump, Volt Switch, Fire Blast, Aura Sphere
- Nasty Plot, Roost, Defog, Will-O-Wisp
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Nasty Plot), Hazard Control (Defog), Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: what originally stemmed from an attempt to remake Rotopex-Heat, Rotokiss-Wash brings the stallbreaking flinch spam from Togekiss while its high natural bulk allows it to set up with Nasty Plot against more passive pokemon. Hydro Pump allows it to hit bulky Rock types such as Pincurchitar & Sableior. Its Fire coverage allows it to smack Steel types that resist Air Slash, such as Hattaka and Cofazor-Mega. Volt Switch is kinda underwhelming as an offensive option, but being able to pivot is a huge boon. Its main weakness is its Defensive typing, which shoehorns it into holding Heavy Duty Boots to avoid Stealth Rock. This prevents it from increasing its Speed with Choice Scarf.

Despite sharing the same typing as Toucosta, Rotokiss performs different roles from it. While Toucosta is generally a wall with some physical biased setup sweeper sets with Shell Smash, Rotokiss is generally a Specially offensive stallbreaker and setup sweeper.

the next 2 subs follow a challenge that I set for myself: using abilities first created in FEOU that are balanced and not stretchy.

Parents: Whirlipede / Porygon2
Offspring Name: Whirlygon2
New Types:

Base Stats: 62/80/94/80/87/72 (+13 Atk, +8 SpA, +19 Spe) BST: 475
New Ability: Malware (Speed Boost + Download): Download but it triggers at the end of every turn, rather than once on switch-in. If there is no opponent on the field at the end of a turn, Malware does not trigger.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Poison Jab, Double Edge, Facade, Skitter Smack, Iron Tail, Zen Headbutt
- Sludge Bomb, Tri-Attack, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Psychic
- Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Recover, Teleport, Protect, Agility, Toxic
Intended Role: Mixed Wall, Hazard Setter (Spikes, Toxic Spikes), Defensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper (Malware + Agility)
Role Justification: Whirlygon2 is an interesting pokemon. Firstly, its defenses combined with Eviolite make it very bulky on both sides (for refrence, Tanette has 60/100/80 defensive stats, and Ferros has 80/70/90, while Whirlygon2 has 62/94/87). As for its defensive typing, Poison/Normal is the same as pure Poison except for an extra immunity to Ghost. Whirlygon2 has a few extra differences that separate it from the Eviolite pokemon, such as having Toxic Spikes, and the ability to pivot with Teleport. But the main difference is with its ability, Malware. Malware allows Whirlygon2 to ramp up its offenses the longer it stays in, and its high bulk allows for that. It has the option to run Physical or Special offensive sets, but Special is generally better because of a better coverage pool, and with Special Attack being more likely to trigger because of 0 IVs in Attack. Its main weaknesses are a poor offensive typing, and below average Speed tier.

(just realized i made 2 water/flying in the same slate)
Parents: Swanna / Salamence
Offspring Name: Swannamence
New Types:

Base Stats: 85/111/81/98/81/119 (+10 Def, +10 SpD, +20 Spe) BST: 575
New Ability: Pecking Order (Big Pecks + Intimidate): Intimidate but for Defense
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Liquidation, Brave Bird, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Aqua Jet
- Dragon Dance, Defog, Roost
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Dragon Dance), Choice (Band/Scarf), Hazard Control (Defog)
Role Justification: A very powerful wallbreaker. Despite only having 111 base attack, Pecking Order basically gives Swannamence temporary Intrepid Sword, which allows it to click one of its STABs to great effect. Due to it being a drop on the opponent, rather than a self boost, this ability cannot be blocked by Unaware pokemon like Volquag. Its Speed tier allows it to outspeed pokemon like Noicity and the improved Pigapult. Its coverage pool is small but effective for hitting resistances, with dual STABs + Earthquake being extra effective. Its main answers will be Weezlord-Galar with Lemegeton, and base Corveot with Big Pressure, which are not affected by its ability. Jelliswine is annoying because of the Water resistance, but it can be beaten by Flying type attacks.

probably banned
Parents: Swanna / Salamence-Mega
Offspring Name: Swannamence-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 85/121/131/108/91/139 (+10 Atk, +50 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD, +20 Spe) BST: 675
New Ability: Aerilate
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Liquidation, Double Edge, Body Slam, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Aqua Jet
- Dragon Dance, Defog, Roost
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Dragon Dance), Physical Wall, Hazard Control (Defog)
Role Justification: stab -ate with 121/139 physical offense hits hard, especially with -1 Defense

Parents: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike / Type: Null
Offspring Name: Urshinull: Rapid
New Types:

Base Stats: 97/132/97/79/87/88 (+20 Atk, +10 SpD, +10 Spe) BST: 580
New Ability: Battle Restraint (Unseen Fist + Battle Armor): This pokemon's Contact moves cannot Critical Hit.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Surging Strikes, Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Facade, Double Edge, U-Turn, Close Combat, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Poison Jab, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch
- Swords Dance, Bulk Up
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Swords Dance/Bulk Up), Priority, Choice Band/Scarf, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: An attempt to make a balanced Urshifu fusion actually turned into an anti-ability suppression pokemon. Due to how its ability works, Surging Strikes is nerfed, unless against pokemon such as Weezlord-Galar & Yacian-Crowned, who can suppress or steal Battle Restraint. This allows it limited usage of the nuclear Surging Strikes that Urshifu-Rapid is known for. Urshinull: Rapid even one-ups Urshifu-Rapid by having access to Swords Dance. However, Urshinull: Rapid has a weaker offensive typing, due to not having STAB on Close Combat. It can use U-Turn to pivot, or SD + Aqua Jet when not running Surging Strikes.

Parents: Celebi / Flygon
Offspring Name: Celegon
New Types:

Base Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100 (+10 HP, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD) BST: 600
New Ability: Levicure (Levitate + Natural Cure): effects of both abilities
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Dragon Claw, Zen Headbutt/Psycho Cut, Earthquake, U-Turn, Stone Edge, Superpower, Scale Shot
- Draco Meteor, Psychic, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Aura Sphere, Boomburst
- Defog, Dragon Dance, Roost, Healing Wish, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Special Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot), Choice (Scarf/Band/Specs), Offensive/Defensive Pivot, Hazard Control (Defog), Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock)
Role Justification: What was originally an attempt to find a combination that grants all 100 stats, Celegon instead became an incredibly versatile pokemon with many options due to those stats and its massive movepool. It is able to pivot with U-Turn, clear hazards with Defog & and set up Stealth Rock, and set up with Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, or Nasty Plot. One of it's main weaknesses is that it is hard countered by Weezlord-Galar, because it is immune to both of Flytini's STABs.

Parents: Scrafty / Krookodile
Offspring Name: Scraftodile
New Types:

Base Stats: 105/128/102/60/97/80 (+25 HP, +25 Atk, +5 Def, +5 SpA, +5 SpD, +5 Spe) BST: 572
New Ability: Intimidate (Intimidate + Intimidate)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
- Close Combat, Knock Off, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Darkest Lariat
- Dragon Dance, Taunt, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Set Up Sweeper (Dragon Dance), Choice (Band/Scarf)
Role Justification: Scraftodile finally adds a regular Intimidate user to the meta. This allows it to weaken strong physical wallbreakers like Maroligatr-Alola and Cofazor-Mega, before taking them down with its Dark STAB. Aside from this, it can setup with Dragon Dance (to boost its low Speed tier), or set up Stealth Rock. Its main weakness is Fairy types, as faster Fairy types can hit it with 4x effectiveness. Slower Fairy types can be hit by Poison Jab.

edit 1: swapped flygon/victini for flygon/celebi
edit 2: replaced gengar/mimikyu for urshifu-rapid/type: null
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DNA Donors: Mothim / Chandelure
Fusion Name: Mothilure
New Types:

Base Stats: 66 / 80 / 75 / 125 / 75 / 90 [BST: 511] (+1 HP / +6 Atk / +5 Def / +6 SpA / +5 SpD / +17 Spe)
New Ability: Searing Lens = (Tinted Lens + Flame Body)
Ability Description: Not very effective moves deal double damage and have a 30% chance to burn.
Notable Moves:
Air Slash, Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz, Psychic, Energy Ball, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse
Haze, Taunt, Defog, Quiver Dance, Roost, Tailwind
Intended Role: Wallbreaker (Specs), Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: Mothilure is an incredibly potent setup sweeper. Its ability allows it to break down resisted walls after one or two Quiver Dances and Roost also allows to setup pretty safely and heal off damage from hazards and Life Orb. Its nice coverage and U-turn also makes for a potentially good scarf/specs pivot with its good speed and special attack.
mothilure: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ghost", "Flying"],
    species: "Mothilure",
    id: "mothilure",
    baseStats: {hp: 66, atk: 80, def: 75, spa: 125, spd: 75, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Searing Lens"},
    weightkg: 28.8,
    fusion: ["Mothim", "Chandelure"],

DNA Donors: Lurantis / Bewear
Fusion Name: Luranwear
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 125 / 85 / 70 / 80 / 69 [BST: 529] (+5 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +5 SpD / +17 Spe)
New Ability: Mystery Fur = (Contrary + Unnerve)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Superpower, Close Combat, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Drain Punch, Shadow Claw, Leaf Blade, Zen Headbutt
Leaf Storm
Aromatherapy, Defog, Synthesis, Substitute, Taunt
Intended Role: Wallbreaker (Banded), Bulky Sweeper
Role Justification: With really good coverage and high base stats, this thing can punch a pretty big hole in many walls. It can also run a tankier set because of solid base defenses. Hammer Arm is super useful because it helps Luranwear patch up its speed and deal big damage at the same time. Close Combat and Superpower can make this thing incredibly bulky on the physical side and even somewhat so on the special side.
luranwear: {
    num: 75000###,
    species: "",
    id: "",
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 125, def: 85, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 69}
    abilities: {0: "Mysterious Fur "},
    weightkg: 76.75,
    fusion: ["Lurantis", "Bewear"],

DNA Donors: Golisopod / Reuniclus
Fusion Name: Reunipod
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 115 / 110 / 94 / 94 / 35 [BST: 548] (+8 HP / +20 Atk / +3 Def / +2 SpA / +7 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Tactical Retreat = (Emergency Exit + Regenerator)
Ability Description: Emergency Exit + heals 1/3 HP on switches not caused by Tactical Retreat.
Notable Moves:
First Impression, Aqua Jet, Close Combat, Knock Off, Iron Head, Leech Life, Sucker Punch, Shadow Claw, Liquidation, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
Energy Ball, Psychic, Psyshock, Flash Cannon, Focus Miss Blast, Bug Buzz, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Scald
Trick Room, Recover, Encore, Taunt, Toxic
Intended Role: Bulky Pivot
Role Justification: Reunipod has really solid bulk, good attacking stats, and nice coverage. This lets it fill the role of a very strong bulky pivot. It can run band in order to big damage on a mon coming in, and then it can either switch out in order to get its health back, or do even more damage AND get a safe switch into another mon via Tactical Retreat.
reunipod: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Psychic"],
    species: "Reunipod",
    id: "reunipod",
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 115, def: 110, spa: 94, spd: 94, spe: 35}
    abilities: {0: "Tactical Retreat"},
    weightkg: 64.05,
    fusion: ["Golisopod", "Reuniclus"],

DNA Donors: Goodra / Rotom-Fan
Fusion Name: Gootom
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 90 / 90 / 108 / 130 / 90 [BST: 598] (+20 HP / +8 Atk / +2 Def / +1 SpA / +2 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Sticky Skin = (Gooey + Levitate)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Dragon Tail
Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Volt Switch, Blizzard, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Sludge Wave
Substitute, Toxic, Defog, Nasty Plot
Intended Role
: Bulky Sweeper, Special Wall, Bulky Pivot
Role Justification: Gootom has really good all around bulk which allows it to function as somewhat of a wall/support mon with screens, Defog and Toxic. However, because of its solid special attack Gootom can also function as a pretty effective bulky sweeper utilizing substitute and Nasty Plot. Because it gets Volt Switch, you can also use Gootom as a slow pivot into special attackers to maintain momentum for your team.
gootom: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Electric"],
    species: "Gootom",
    id: "gootom",
    baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 90, def: 90, spa: 108, spd: 130, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Sticky Skin"},
    weightkg: 75.4,
    fusion: ["Goodra", "Rotom-Fan"],

DNA Donors: Sylveon / Indeedee
Fusion Name: Sylveedee
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 65 / 60 / 125 / 120 / 88 [BST: 538] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +18 SpA / +8 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Pixie Power = (Pixilate + Psychic Surge)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Quick Attack, Fake Out
Hyper Voice, Mystical Fire, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Expanding Force, Psyshock
Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Wish, Protect, Yawn, Substitute, Healing Wish, Trick, RestTalk
Intended Role: Wallbreaker (Specs), Cleric, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: Sylveedee is a very potent wallbreaker because of Expanding Force and Hyper Voice being very strong base power moves that are hard to switch into unresisted. It also has very useful support moves in Wish, Yawn and Heal Bell. These along with its great special bulk allow it to be a good cleric. Calm Mind also lets it function as somewhat of a setup sweeper although its middling speed somewhat hinders it.
sylveedee: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fairy", "Normal"],
    species: "Sylveedee",
    id: "sylveedee",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 125, spd: 120, spe: 88}
    abilities: {0: "Pixie Power"},
    weightkg: 25.75,
    fusion: ["Sylveon", "Indeedee"],
(thank you ana, very cool)
Last edited:
It’s been a while since I’ve made a fusion, so here’s hoping this is a good new start.
DNA Donors: Tangrowth / Golem-Alola
Offspring Name: Tangol-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 120 / 127 / 82 / 77 / 47 [BST: 553] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Recharge = (Regenerator + Galvanize)
Ability Description: Normal-type moves become Electric-type, gaining 1.2x power and healing the user for 1/3 the damage dealt.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Double Edge, Power Whip, Earthquake, Knock Off, Explosion, Stone Edge, Superpower, Gyro Ball, Body Slam
Leech Seed, Sleep Spore, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Thunder Wave
Intended Role: Physical wallbreaker, Choice Band, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Trick Room Abuser, Setup Sweeper (Swords Dance)
Role Justification: A bulky physical attacker that can click Electric Double Edge with no recoil, since it recovers as much as it takes in damage. Also has Power Whip to scare any Ground-types that come in, and Knock Off & Stealth Rock are always good utility moves to have. Body Slam also exists for utility. It can also try to run a Sleep Powder SD set, though that would be best used in Trick Room. Trick Room is arguably where it can cause the most havoc, considering how it has a pitiful 47 speed. Most common set would likely be an AV set or maybe Rocky Helmet using Double Edge/Power Whip/Knock Off/EQ or SR. Can also use the good ol’ Galvanize Boom trick, though I wouldn’t recommend it.
tangol-alola: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Electric"],
    species: "Tangol-Alola",
    id: "tangol-alola",
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 120, def: 127, spa: 82, spd: 77, spe: 47}
    abilities: {0: "Recharge"},
    weightkg: 222.3,
    fusion: ["Tangrowth", "Golem-Alola"],

So Mega Corveot and Glidol are really good, huh?
DNA Donors/ Parents: Rotom-Wash / Nihilego
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Rotolego-Wash
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 59 / 79 / 117 / 119 / 113 [BST: 584] (+18 HP / +0 Atk / +2 Def / +1 SpA / +0 SpD / +19 Spe)
New Ability: Terraform = (Levitate + Beast Boost)
Ability Description: This Pokémon is immune to Ground-type moves. When targeted with one, this Pokémon’s highest stat is raised by one stage.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Hydro Pump, Power Gem, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Switch, Discharge, Psychic, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball
Stealth Rock, Trick, Pain Split, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Defog, Nasty Plot
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Choice Specs, Setup Sweeper (Nasty Plot), Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Hazard Control (Defog), Screens Setter
Role Justification: Hard counter to Glidol and Mega Corveot in one slot. Can always outspeed Mega Corveot and one-shot with Specs Thunderbolt, and laughs in Glidol’s face.

252 SpA Choice Specs Rotolego-Wash Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Corveot-Mega: 316-374 (95.4 - 112.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock [3/4 chance to OHKO without rocks]

rotolego-wash: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Rock"],
    species: "Rotolego-Wash",
    id: "rotolego-wash",
    baseStats: {hp: 97, atk: 59, def: 79, spa: 117, spd: 119, spe: 113}
    abilities: {0: "Terraform"},
    weightkg: 27.9,
    fusion: ["Rotom-Wash", "Nihilego"],

Did you know Fairy is my favorite type?
DNA Donors: Krookodile / Diancie
Offspring Name: Krookancie
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 118 / 115 / 82 / 110 / 91 [BST: 598] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Rebellious Spirit = (Anger Point + Clear Body)
Ability Description: This Pokémon’s stats cannot be lowered. If this Pokémon’s stats would be lowered, its Attack is raised one stage.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Earthquake, Play Rough, Diamond Storm, Knock Off, Close Combat, Smack Down, Dragon Tail, Power Trip
Stealth Rock, Bulk Up, Taunt, Heal Bell
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Bulk Up), Setup Check, Cleric, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Hazard Control Deterrent
Role Justification: Ground/Fairy is a STAB combo only resisted by floating Steels/Fires with access to Smack Down and Diamond Storm. Is also a hazard setter that is Defog-proof thanks to its ability, which is basically mini Defiant, but without losing stats. It also is a cleric that isn’t extremely passive, or it can be a defensive phaser with Dragon Tail. It also can be a more offensive setup sweeper with Bulk Up and Power Trip. In other words, it’s very versatile and has solid bulk and power, not to mention at least decent speed.
krookancie: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ground", "Fairy"],
    species: "Krookancie",
    id: "krookancie",
    baseStats: {hp: 82, atk: 118, def: 115, spa: 82, spd: 110, spe: 91}
    abilities: {0: "Rebellious Spirit"},
    weightkg: 52.55,
    fusion: ["Krookodile", "Diancie"],
more soon maybe
Last edited:


Title pending

DNA Donors/ Parents: Ferroseed / Necrozma-Dusk-Mane
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Ferrozma-Dusk-Mane
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 120 / 110 / 70 / 100 / 55 [BST: 530] (+5 HP / +17 Atk / +1 Def / +2 SpA / +3 SpD / +12 Spe)
New Ability: Prismatic Spikes = (Prism Armor + Iron Barbs)
Ability Description: Prism Armor effects + Pokemon using supereffective moves on this Pokemon lose 1/8 of their maximum HP, rounded down.
Intended Role: Mixed Wall / Hazard Setter (Spikes)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
…Knock Off, Gyro Ball

…Leech Seed, Toxic, Morning Sun, Spikes, Thunder Wave

:swsh/ferroseed: :swsh/necrozma-ultra:

Name: Ferrozma-Ultra

Base Stats: 75/130/80/130/80/107
Ability: Neuroforce
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
…Sunsteel Strike, Knock Off, Iron Head, Outrage, Earthquake
…Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Photon Geiser
…Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Autotomize

Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker / Physical Wallbreaker / Set-Up Sweeper (Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Autotomize)
Role Justification: Base is a bulky mon with a lot of utility and great offensive presence. It kinda competes with Ferros, but both have their uses (notably, Ferros is bulkier ans has Scald, while this isn't passive). Ultra is a set-up sweeper with decent bulk and great coverage and boosting options on both sides. Base could also potentially use a Weakness Policy set under Screens, but like you could just use the Ultra forme if you want a sweeper that really likes screens
ferrozma-dusk-mane: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Steel", "Grass"],
    species: "Ferrozma-Dusk-Mane",
    id: "ferrozma-dusk-mane",
    baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 120, def: 110, spa: 70, spd: 100, spe: 55}
    abilities: {0: "Prismatic Spikes"},
    weightkg: 239.4,
    fusion: ["Ferroseed", "Necrozma-Dusk-Mane"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Magmortar / Hitmontop
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Magmontop
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 105 / 81 / 80 / 102 / 86 [BST: 536] (+20 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Blazing Technique = (Flame Body + Technician)
Ability Description: Combined effects
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
…Rapid Spin, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Triple Axel, Sucker Punch, Mach Punch

…Belly Drum
Intended Role: Set-Up Sweeper / Hazard Control (Rapid Spin)
Role Justification: Is a good Belly Drum sweeper for Screens teams, and offers utility with Rapid Spin. Has great coverage and access to priority.
magmontop: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Fighting"],
    species: "Magmontop",
    id: "magmontop",
    baseStats: {hp: 82, atk: 105, def: 81, spa: 80, spd: 102, spe: 86}
    abilities: {0: "Blazing Technique"},
    weightkg: 58,
    fusion: ["Magmortar", "Hitmontop"],
Last edited:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Haunter / Porygon2
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Haungon
New Types:

Base Stats: 69 / 65 / 75 / 120 / 75 / 95 [BST: 499] (+4 HP / +0 Atk / +8 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +18 Spe)
New Ability: Downtate = (Levitate + Download)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Shadow Ball, Tri Attack, Sludge Bomb, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt.....
Recover, Nasty Plot
[Intended Role]:Special Attacker and NP sweeper
Role Justification: This mon can be played in many different forms with it's incredible typing and movepool. It can go offensive with a Choice item or a Life Orb, bulky with Eviolite and Recover, or a wallbreaker with Nasty Plot.
haungon: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Normal", "Ghost"],
    species: "Haungon",
    id: "haungon",
    baseStats: {hp: 69, atk: 65, def: 75, spa: 120, spd: 75, spe: 95}
    abilities: {0: "Downtate"},
    weightkg: 16.3,
    fusion: ["Haunter", "Porygon2"],

DNA Donors: Swellow / Toucannon
Fusion Name: Swellcannon
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 103 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 105 [BST: 508] (+5 HP / +1 Atk / +8 Def / +0 SpA / +13 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Intrepid Force = (Sheer Force + Scrappy)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Brave Bird, Double-Edge, Reversal, Endeavor, U-Turn, Beak Blast, Drill Peck, Gunk Shot, Knock Off....
Boomburst, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Overheat, Flash Cannon...
Roost, Tailwind, Defog, Substitute, Swords Dance…
Intended Role: Physical Attacker, Special Attacker, Deffoger, SD sweeper...
Role Justification: Courtesy of his huge movepool, it can either go physical with SD/Brave Bird/Double-Edge/U-Turn, or Special (which may be even more viable) with Boomburst/Heat Wave/Flash Cannon/Huricanne, whose 3 of his 4 moves are boosted. In conclussion, this can be a fairly unpredictable mon.
swellcannon: {
	num: 75000###, 
	types:["Normal", "Flying"],
	species: "Swellcannon", 
	id: "swellcannon", 
	baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 103, def: 75, spa: 75, spd: 75, spe: 105} 
	abilities: {0: "Intrepid Force"}, 
	weightkg: 22.9, 
	fusion: ["Swellow", "Toucannon"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Sirfetch'd / Escavalier
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Sirvalier
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 135 / 105 / 65 / 105 / 45 [BST: 540] (+19 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +1 SpA / +12 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Bold Shealth = (Overcoat + Scrappy)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Iron Head, Close Combat, First Impression, Megahorn, Knock Off, Brave Bird....

Swords Dance...
[Intended Role]: Bulky Fighting Type and TR abuser.
Role Justification: A cool fusion where it can be used on OTR, which can do important damage.
sirvalier: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Steel"],
    species: "Sirvalier",
    id: "sirvalier",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 135, def: 105, spa: 65, spd: 105, spe: 45}
    abilities: {0: "Bold Shealth"},
    weightkg: 75,
    fusion: ["Sirfetch'd", "Escavalier"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Altaria / Togekiss
Shared Egg Group: Flying
Offspring Name: Altikiss
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 60 / 110 / 95 / 110 / 82 [BST: 557] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +18 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Natural Grace = (Natural Cure + Serene Grace)
Ability Description: The combined effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Moonblast, Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Air Slash (is still part Kiss, so why not?)
Nasty Plot, Roost, Heal Bell, Wish...
[Intended Role]: Cleric, NP sweeper....
Role Justification: It can be an amazing cleric cuz it's amazing defenses and movepool, or a NP sweeper.
Mega Stats: 100/ 100 / 130 / 135 / 110/ 82 [BST:657]
Mega Ability: Pixilate
Mega Typing:

Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Extreme Speed

Hyper Voice, Flamethrower, Moonblast, Draco Meteor

Nasty Plot, Heal Bell, Roost, Wish...
Role Justification: It has an STAB -ate boosted move with 135 SpA, so it may be banned.
altikiss: {
	num: 75000###, 
	types:["Fairy", "Dragon"],
	species: "Altikiss", 
	id: "altikiss", 
	baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 60, def: 110, spa: 95, spd: 110, spe: 82} 
	abilities: {0: "Natural Grace"}, 
	weightkg: 29.3, 
	fusion: ["Altaria", "Togekiss"],

DNA Donors: Ninetales / Infernape
Fusion Name: Infertales
New Types:

Base Stats: 74 / 108 / 75 / 108 / 85 / 108 [BST: 558] (+0 HP / +18 Atk / +2 Def / +16 SpA / +0 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Burning Fists = (Iron Fist + Drought)
Ability Description: Fist moves are boosted by 1.2 and summons the Sun.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, U-Turn....
Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Vaccum Wave, Solar Beam....
Nasty Plot, Slack Off, Stealth Rock....
Intended Role: Sun Setter and Abuser.
Role Justification: Is just Infernape, but better, and now summons Sun, which we need.
infertales: {
	num: 75000###, 
	types:["Fire", "Fighting"],
	species: "Infertales", 
	id: "infertales", 
	baseStats: {hp: 74, atk: 108, def: 75, spa: 108, spd: 85, spe: 108} 
	abilities: {0: "Burning Fists"}, 
	weightkg: 37.45, 
	fusion: ["Ninetales", "Infernape"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Sirfetch'd / Cursola
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Sirsola
New Types:

Base Stats: 81 / 125 / 75 / 106 / 110 / 50 [BST: 547] (+20 HP / +10 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +4 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Scrappy Armot = (Scrappy + Weak Armor)
Ability Description: The combined effects of the two abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Poltergeist, Close Combat, First Impression, Brave Bird, Leaf Blade, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Leech Life, Liquidation, Poison Jab....
Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Power Gem, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump,
Stealth Rock, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Strength Sap....
[Intended Role]: Tanky Fighting type, Physical Breaker.
Role Justification: A versatile mon with a unresisted STAB combination. It can be physical with moves like Close Combat, Poltergeist and some coverage moves like Liquidation, Head Smash, Knock Off, First Imnpression, Brave Bird...., special with Shadow Ball (unfortunately it doesn't get Focus Blast) and other coverage moves like Power Gem, Hydro Pump, Giga Drain.... and has a form of recovery on Strength Sap.

Yeah, Sirsola never dies. One day it will be in this Pet Mod.
sirsola: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Ghost"],
    species: "Sirsola",
    id: "Sirsola",
    baseStats: {hp: 81, atk: 125, def: 75, spa: 106, spd: 110, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Scrappy Armor"},
    weightkg: 58.7,
    fusion: ["Sirfetch'd", "Cursola"],
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DNA Donors/ Parents: Politoed/Shiinotic
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Shiinotoed

Base Stats: 82/84/72/95/65/84 [BST:481]
New Ability: Rain Storm
Ability Description: At the end of every turn this pokemon recovers 1/16 of hp and Immune to burn



long day at job
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
DNA Donors/ Parents: Politoed/Shiinotic
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Shiinotoed

Base Stats: 82/84/72/95/65/84 [BST:481]
New Ability: Rain Storm
Ability Description: At the end of every turn this pokemon recovers 1/16 of hp and Immune to burn
ok so several problems here:
  • base stats don't match fusion (the fusion stats without boosts are 75/60/77/90/100/50)
  • you didn't include typing
  • ability doesn't make sense (you seem to be combining rain dish and effect spore? neither ability mentions burn)
  • the entire fusion sub, including notable moves, notable role, role justification, etc. must be posted
  • you seem to be using the old fusion calculator, this is the new one
:ss/nihilego: :ss/infernape:

DNA Donors: Nihilego / Infernape
Fusion Name: Infilego
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 79 / 79 / 127 / 101 / 107 [BST: 590] (+5 HP / +1 Atk / +20 Def / +12 SpA / +0 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Blazing Beast = (Beast Boost + Blaze)
Ability Description: At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokémon’s highest stat is 1.5x.
Notable Moves:
U-turn, Knock Off
Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Focus Blast, Vacuum Wave, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Psyshock, Grass Knot, Sludge Wave
Nasty Plot, Slack Off, Substitute, Stealth Rock, Taunt

Intended Role: Setup Sweeper (Meteor Beam, Nasty Plot) / Special Wallbreaker / Choice Scarf
Role Justification: Infilego would fit a new role as a Rock-type Special Wallbreaker/Setup Sweeper. This role allows it to take on a new niche as a STAB Meteor Beam user (while holding Power Herb of course). Its Ability would not play a huge role in its usage, but it does give it extra wall breaking potential through the use of its own Substitutes, or after being whittled down by Toxic. While it has great stats and move options to create sets around, it suffers from four move slot syndrome. It has the potential to setup and sweep, but its STAB options can be walled by the likes of Cofazor, Jelliswine, and Chomplim, among others. This, in turn, narrows down its choices for coverage and would make its sets very team oriented. This could make this mon something to be used and be built around very intentionally. Its typing, along with giving it seven weaknesses (three more than Nihilego and Infernape), it also makes it susceptible to Toxic (unlike Nihilego). This expands the options to get around Infilego, which helps balance it as a whole.
infilego: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Fighting"],
    species: "Infilego",
    id: "infilego",
    baseStats: {hp: 97, atk: 79, def: 79, spa: 127, spd: 101, spe: 107}
    abilities: {0: "Blazing Beast"},
    weightkg: 55.25,
    fusion: ["Nihilego", "Infernape"],
DNA Donors: Slaking / Haunter
Fusion Name: Slaunter
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 105 / 75 / 125 / 60 / 114 [BST: 576] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +17 Spe)
New Ability: Slow Float = (Truant + Levitate)
Ability Description: This Pokémon is immune to Ground-type moves every other turn; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it.
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Knock Off
Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse, Psychic
Slack Off, Taunt, Toxic

Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker / Choice Scarf/Specs
Role Justification: While Normal/Poison-type isn't the best offensive combination, Slaunter makes up for it with its coverage options. This forces it to rely on non STAB moves that take away from its sheer power. Its typing also only leaves it with two weaknesses (or one weakness every other turn) that it has coverage for, Ground and Psychic-type. Due to Slaunter’s flexibility, it could run a couple of different sets, but its special move pool really pushes it towards being a Special Wallbreaker. Its immunity to Toxic also helps its against stall. As it doesn’t have a special form of setup, Slaunter can be difficult to switch into as it gains an immunity to Ground-type every other turn. This would make predictions very important when using Slaunter.
slaunter: {
    num: 75000###, 
    types:["Normal", "Poison"],
    species: "Slaunter", 
    id: "slaunter", 
    baseStats: {hp: 97, atk: 105, def: 75, spa: 125, spd: 60, spe: 114} 
    abilities: {0: "Slow Float"}, 
    weightkg: 65.3, 
    fusion: ["Slaking", "Haunter"],
DNA Donors: Rotom-Heat / Magnezone
Fusion Name: Rotozone
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 67 / 118 / 128 / 103 / 73 [BST: 566] (+17 HP / +0 Atk / +7 Def / +11 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Analytical Rise = (Levitate + Analytic)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:

Overheat, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Discharge
Nasty Ploy, Defog, Pain Split, Trick
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Rotozone would work as a great Wallbreaker. With Analytical Rise, it could switch in on Ground-type moves and easily gain momentum. While it has a low speed stat (middling at best), its high defense stat helps it live physical hits, which helps its wall breaking potential. Due to its ability, it could be worth while to invest into bulk and keep its speed low for an analytic boost. Its biggest draw back is its lack of coverage and its single form of Fire-type STAB being Overheat. This helps balance it, as with its dual STAB, it could potentially also threaten Water-types. Rotozone would be a great support on teams with Pokémon who get Walled by Steel-types. Most Dragon-types (and Grousle) could wall Rotozone's.
rotozone: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Fire"],
    species: "Rotozone",
    id: "rotozone",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 67, def: 118, spa: 128, spd: 103, spe: 73}
    abilities: {0: "Analytical Rise"},
    weightkg: 90.15,
    fusion: ["Rotom-Heat", "Magnezone"],
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The discord might be a better place for questions so the thread isn't crowded with off topic posts, but I used this tool to create my post! It's really useful and does the formatting automatically. I would also recommend reading through this post if you're just getting started.

I'd also finally recommend deleting your other submissions and creating a new one like StevenStone_ suggested. (I'll also delete this once I know you've seen it. :)
I Seen It
DNA Donors/ Parents: Heliolisk / Celesteela
Offspring Name: Heliostea
New Types:

Base Stats: 83 / 79 / 97 / 109 / 107 / 89 [BST: 564] (+4 HP / +1 Atk / +20 Def / +1 SpA / +10 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Dehydrated = (Dry Skin + Beast Boost)
Ability Description: When the user is hit by a Water-type move, its highest stat is raised by one stage. When the user is hit by a Fire-type move, its highest stat is lowered by one stage. The user is immune to Water and takes 25% increased damage from Fire.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Thunder, Energy Ball, Hyper Voice, Rising Voltage, Flash Cannon, Flamethrower (if not in rain)
Electric Terrain, Thunder Wave, Leech Seed, Protect, Autotomize
Intended Role: Pivot, Kyottler check and bulky special attacker.
Role Justification: With an ability that can give a 1.5x boost to any of its relevant stats just for switching in on a Water move, Heliostea is a highly versatile pokemon that can do many different things. It has access to Twave and Leech Seed, making it an effective status spreader, and it can sweep with Autotomize and Thunder in Rain.
heliostea: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Flying"],
    species: "Heliostea",
    id: "heliostea",
    baseStats: {hp: 83, atk: 79, def: 97, spa: 109, spd: 107, spe: 89}
    abilities: {0: "Dehydrated"},
    weightkg: 510.45,
    fusion: ["Heliolisk", "Celesteela"],
hey guys flygon gets boomburst, why does flygon get boomburst
DNA Donors: Flygon / Porygon2
Fusion Name: Poryfly2
New Types:

Base Stats: 102 / 90 / 95 / 92 / 97 / 80 [BST: 556] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Mineralogist = (Levitate + Analytic)
Ability Description: The user's moves deal 1.3x damage to Ground-types
Notable Moves:
Boomburst, Draco Meteor
Defog, Recover
Intended Role: Bulky Special Attacker and Pivot
Role Justification: With STAB Boomburst (which Flygon has for some reason) and U-Turn, Poryfly2 can switch in, hit hard, and switch out. In addition, with an ability that gives it a sizeable damage bonus against Ground-types, it should function as a decent check to Glidol.
poryfly2: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Normal"],
    species: "Poryfly2",
    id: "poryfly2",
    baseStats: {hp: 102, atk: 90, def: 95, spa: 92, spd: 97, spe: 80}
    abilities: {0: "Mineralogist"},
    weightkg: 57.25,
    fusion: ["Flygon", "Porygon2"],
hello! bonk. goodbye!
DNA Donors: Landorus-Therian / Golisopod
Fusion Name: Landopod-Therian
New Types:

Base Stats: 92 / 135 / 115 / 82 / 95 / 85 [BST: 604] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Nya = (Intimidate + Emergency Exit)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
U-Turn, Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Earthquake, Knock Off, First Impression, Stone Edge
Toxic, Spikes, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Hazard Setter and Bulky Pivot
Role Justification: Based on a stupid idea I had a while ago (Intimidate + Emergency Exit = When the user switches in, it switches out), Landopod-Therian is a wacky pivot that has an easy way in and an easy way out, in exchange for dying to Grass.
landopod-therian: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Ground"],
    species: "Landopod-Therian",
    id: "landopod-therian",
    baseStats: {hp: 92, atk: 135, def: 115, spa: 82, spd: 95, spe: 85}
    abilities: {0: "Nya"},
    weightkg: 88,
    fusion: ["Landorus-Therian", "Golisopod"],
No, this will not use Shell Smash. Hopefully.
DNA Donors: Corviknight / Magcargo
Fusion Name: Corvicargo
New Types:

Base Stats: 89 / 78 / 112 / 71 / 102 / 48 [BST: 500] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Burning Tension = (Pressure + Flame Body)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Body Press, Power Trip, U-Turn, Brave Bird
Lava Plume
Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Roost, Recover, Toxic, Yawn, Defog, Shell Smash but not really
Intended Role: Mixed/Physical Wall, Hazard Control and Defensive Pivot
Role Justification: With great bulk on all fronts, a variety of options for spreading statuses, and Stealth Rock, Corvicargo is an excellent wall and defogger. It also has access to a variety of Defense-boosting moves, as well as Power Trip.
corvicargo: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Flying", "Rock"],
    species: "Corvicargo",
    id: "corvicargo",
    baseStats: {hp: 89, atk: 78, def: 112, spa: 71, spd: 102, spe: 48}
    abilities: {0: "Burning Tension"},
    weightkg: 65,
    fusion: ["Corviknight", "Magcargo"],

:swsh/mew: :swsh/phione:
Jack of all trades, trade of all jacks
DNA Donors: Mew / Phione
Fusion Name: Mephi
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 97 / 96 / 97 / 96 / 97 [BST: 580] (+7 HP / +7 Atk / +6 Def / +7 SpA / +6 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: One-sided Exchange = (Synchronize + Hydration)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities
Notable Moves: Yes
Intended Role: Whatever you need, it can probably do pretty well.
Role Justification: I decided to try and create a mon designed to be splashable. The best way to do that was with Mew’s absolutely vast movepool.
mephi: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Water"],
    species: "Mephi",
    id: "mephi",
    baseStats: {hp: 97, atk: 97, def: 96, spa: 97, spd: 96, spe: 97}
    abilities: {0: "One-Sided Exchange"},
    weightkg: 3.55,
    fusion: ["Mew", "Phione"],

do not vote for me please, i am being modified
DNA Donors/ Parents: Cursola / Tapu Lele
Offspring Name: Cursolele
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 90 / 62 / 137 / 122 / 82 [BST: 578] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: From Beyond = (Perish Body + Psychic Surge)
Ability Description: The user's Psychic-Type moves take effect 3 turns after being used.
Clarification for Ability: This ability functions similarly to Future Sight, but delayed by 3 turns instead of 2. Future Sight takes 5 turns total to deal its damage with this ability.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Shadow Ball, Burning Jealousy, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Earth Power, Psychic, Moonblast, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Future Sight
Gravity, Calm Mind, Amnesia, Taunt, Gravity, Psychic Terrain, Wonder Room, Rest, Skill Swap, Speed Swap
Intended Role: Gimmicky utility mon and wallbreaker
Role Justification: A support mon with a unique way of allowing its teammates to abuse its status moves to their fullest.
- Calm Mind or Amnesia allowing another mon to set up indirectly
- Gravity and Psychic Terrain and Wonder Room setting a delayed field effect for abusers to have full turns
- Skill Swap shenanigans
- Speed Swap shenanigans
cursolele: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ghost", "Fairy"],
    species: "Cursolele",
    id: "cursolele",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 90, def: 62, spa: 137, spd: 122, spe: 82}
    abilities: {0: "From Beyond"},
    weightkg: 9.5,
    fusion: ["Cursola", "Tapu Lele"],
Last edited:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Corsola / Goodra
Fusion Name: Cordra
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 85 / 90 / 100 / 123 / 59 [BST: 542] (+8 HP / +8 Atk / +8 Def / +13 SpA / +1 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Sticky Coral = (Natural Cure + Gooey)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Scald, Dragon Pulse, Earth power, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower…
Calm mind, Recover, Stealth Rock, Substitute, Toxic, Magic Coat, Iron Defense…
Intended Role: Special wall, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Setup Sweeper (Calm Mind)
Role Justification: Can function as a bulky setup sweeper via Calm Mind and Recover with a lot of options for coverage moves, or can set hazards via Stealth Rock. Water/Dragon is an excellent typing defensively meaning it can do this job fairly well, and decent defensive stats mean it can stay on for a while. however, it isn't immune to toxic, so you will have to switch out in order to remove it. that aside, it's very capable of holding its own, as it can check relevant mons like Kyottler and Glidol, and can even 2hko glidol at +1 with scald while being 3hkoed by earthquake unboosted in return.

+1 0 SpA Goodra Scald vs. 228 HP / 120 SpD Gliscor: 236-278 (67 - 78.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal
252+ SpA Choice Specs Dottler Thunder vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Goodra: 141-167 (37.8 - 44.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

cordra: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Water"],
    species: "Cordra",
    id: "cordra",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 90, spa: 100, spd: 123, spe: 59}
    abilities: {0: "Sticky Coral"},
    weightkg: 77.75,
    fusion: ["Corsola", "Goodra"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Salazzle / Haxorus
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Haxazzle
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 105 / 75 / 105 / 75 / 109 [BST: 549] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +10 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Melting Point = (Mold Breaker + Corrosion)
Ability Description: this Pokemon's poison type attacks hit Steel types neutrally. this Pokemon can poison or badly poison other Pokemon regardless of typing.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
…Close combat, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Fire Lash, Crunch, First Impression, Rock Slide, Superpower, Gunk Shot, Knock Off
…Sludge wave, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor
… Toxic, Nasty Plot, Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Taunt, Disable, Will-o-wisp, Substitute
Intended Role: Special setup sweeper (Nasty Plot), Physical setup sweeper (Dragon Dance, Swords Dance), Wallbreaker ((toxic)(i think)
Role Justification: this has a lot going for it in terms of setup. dragon dance or swords dance for physical sets, nasty plot for special sets, and toxic to cripple walls it can't break easily. Glidol is going to be its biggest counter, as its defenses aren't the best and toxic does nothing to Glidol, but it'll still make for a good lategame cleaner.
haxazzle: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Poison"],
    species: "Haxazzle",
    id: "haxazzle",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 105, def: 75, spa: 105, spd: 75, spe: 109}
    abilities: {0: "Melting Point "},
    weightkg: 63.85,
    fusion: ["Salazzle", "Haxorus"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Lilligant / Serperior
Fusion Name: Serlligant
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 67 / 90 / 92 / 90 / 121 [BST: 542] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +5 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Contrary Guard = (Contrary + Leaf Guard)
Ability Description: Effects of Contrary. this Pokemon cannot be statused and rest will fail for it, except in sun.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

… Leaf Storm (obviously), Pollen Puff, Giga Drain, Dragon Pulse
… Glare, Leech Seed, Synthesis
Intended Role : Setup Sweeper (Leaf Storm)
Role Justification: Basically Serperior, but it's regional dex. its ability means it's immune to being paralyzed and poisoned (most of the time) and a high speed tier means it can do its job as a setup sweeper pretty reliably, which is to spam Leaf Storm with a decent Special Attack stat. it has just as much coverage as Serperior (barring Pollen Puff), so it still struggles with being walled by the likes of Heatki and other Steels, as Dragon Pulse isn't the best coverage and HP Fire doesn't exist. Glare does come in handy for Parahax and generally crippling speed.
serlligant: {
    num: 75000###,
    species: "Serlligant",
    id: "serlligant",
    baseStats: {hp: 82, atk: 67, def: 90, spa: 92, spd: 90, spe: 121}
    abilities: {0: "Contrary Guard"},
    weightkg: 39.65,
    fusion: ["Lilligant", "Serperior"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Miltank / Incineroar
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Incintank
New Types:

Base Stats: 115 / 99 / 100 / 60 / 90 / 85 [BST: 549] (+20 HP / +2 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Intimidating Fat = (Thick Fat + Intimidate)
Ability Description: effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Knock Off, Body Slam, Close Combat, Seismic Toss
… (60 sp atk)
…Parting Shot, Milk Drink, Taunt, Stealth Rock, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Swords Dance, Roar, Bulk Up
Intended Role: Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Defensive Pivot (Parting Shot, Milk Drink)
Role Justification
: we don't really have many clerics in the meta right now, and the ones we do have kill momentum really fast, so here's a cleric with pivot potential. Parting Shot drops attacking stats while allowing for a switch out, as does Intimidate, Milk Drink gives it sustainability, Knock Off allows for item removal, Heal Bell allows it to cure the party, and it can set hazards with Stealth Rock. fighting moves aren't super prevalent in this meta, so the 4x weakness to fighting isn't a huge issue, but one you'll have to be aware of nonetheless. overall this has a lot of options for utility and possibly stall.
incintank: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Normal", "Dark"],
    species: "Incintank",
    id: "incintank",
    baseStats: {hp: 115, atk: 99, def: 100, spa: 60, spd: 90, spe: 85}
    abilities: {0: "Intimidating Fat"},
    weightkg: 79.25,
    fusion: ["Miltank", "Incineroar"],
Last edited:
DNA Donors: Lairon / Corsola-Galar
Fusion Name: Lairola-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 72 / 120 / 57 / 95 / 35 [BST: 459] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Cursed Sturdy = (Cursed Body + Sturdy)
Ability Description: This Pokemon is immune to Ohko moves and lives on 1 HP from full health. when this pokemon lives at 1 HP from the abilities effect, it disables the move that triggered the Sturdy effect of this ability
Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Physical Wall, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rocks), Eviolite User
Role Justification:
lairola-galar: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Ghost"],
    species: "Lairola-Galar",
    id: "lairola-galar",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 72, def: 120, spa: 57, spd: 95, spe: 35}
    abilities: {0: "Cursed Sturdy"},
    weightkg: 60.25,
    fusion: ["Lairon", "Corsola-Galar"],
DNA Donors: Umbreon / Dusknoir
Fusion Name: Umbrenoir
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 82 / 122 / 72 / 132 / 75 [BST: 563] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Frisked Synch = (Frisk + Synchronize)
Ability Description: If this Pokémon is given a status condition, it gives it back to who ever gave it to them. but when this happens, both of the Pokémon's items are reveled
Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Mixed Wall
Role Justification:
umbrenoir: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ghost", "Dark"],
    species: "Umbrenoir",
    id: "umbrenoir",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 82, def: 122, spa: 72, spd: 132, spe: 75}
    abilities: {0: "Frisked Synch"},
    weightkg: 66.8,
    fusion: ["Umbreon", "Dusknoir"],
DNA Donors: Lucario / Ampharos
Fusion Name: Amphario
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 92 / 97 / 115 / 97 / 75 [BST: 556] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +17 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Static Justice = (Static + Justified)
Ability Description: If this Pokémon is hit with a Dark type move, the user of that move is Paralyzed
Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Special Wall-Breaker and Mix Wall
Role Justification:
DNA Donors: Mega Lucario / Ampharos
Offspring Name: Amphario
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 127 / 115 / 140 / 97 / 97 [BST: 656] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +17 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Adaptability

DNA Donors: Lucario / Mega Ampharos
Offspring Name: Amphario
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 112 / 117 / 165 / 117 / 65 [BST: 656] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +17 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Mold Breaker

amphario: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Fighting"],
    species: "Amphario",
    id: "amphario",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 92, def: 97, spa: 115, spd: 97, spe: 75}
    abilities: {0: "Static Justice"},
    weightkg: 57.75,
    fusion: ["Lucario", "Ampharos"],
DNA Donors: Aurorus / Heracross
Fusion Name: Herarorus
New Types:

Base Stats: 101 / 101 / 93 / 69 / 93 / 91 [BST: 548] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Frozen Swarm = (Swarm + Refrigerate)
Ability Description: This Pokémon's Bug type moves become Ice type and are boosted by 20%
Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Physical Wall Breaker and Physical Wall
Role Justification:
DNA Donors: Aurorus / Mega Heracross
Offspring Name: Herarorus
New Types:

Base Stats: 101 / 161 / 133 / 69 / 103 / 81 [BST: 648] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Skill Link

herarorus: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Fighting"],
    species: "Herarorus",
    id: "herarorus",
    baseStats: {hp: 101, atk: 101, def: 93, spa: 69, spd: 93, spe: 91}
    abilities: {0: "Frozen Swarm"},
    weightkg: 139.5,
    fusion: ["Aurorus", "Heracross"],
DNA Donors: Scyther / Espeon
Fusion Name: Scytheon
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 107 / 70 / 107 / 89 / 107 [BST: 550] (+3 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +15 SpA / +2 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Tech Bounce = (Technician + Magic Bounce)
Ability Description: This Pokémon bounces back Status Moves and moves with a BP of 60 or less to the Pokémon who used it
Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Mixed Wall Breaker and Choice Scarf User
Role Justification:
scytheon: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Bug"],
    species: "Scytheon",
    id: "scytheon",
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 107, def: 70, spa: 107, spd: 89, spe: 107}
    abilities: {0: "Tech Bounce"},
    weightkg: 41.25,
    fusion: ["Scyther", "Espeon"],
DNA Donors: Salamence / Mawile
Fusion Name: Salawile
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 110 / 82 / 82 / 87 / 95 [BST: 528] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Moxie Force = (Moxie + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: When this Pokémon uses a move with a secondary effect, its deals damage as if this Pokémon has +1 in attack. stat boosts are included after the ability effect is added
Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Physical Wall Breaker, Choice Band User, Choice Scarf User
Role Justification:
DNA Donors: Salamence / Mega Mawile
Offspring Name: Salawile
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 130 / 122 / 82 / 127 / 95 [BST: 628] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Huge Power

DNA Donors: Mega Salamence / Mawile
Offspring Name: Salawile
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 120 / 132 / 92 / 97 / 105 [BST: 628] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Aerialite

salawile: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Steel", "Dragon"],
    species: "Salawile",
    id: "salawile",
    baseStats: {hp: 72, atk: 110, def: 82, spa: 82, spd: 87, spe: 95}
    abilities: {0: "Moxie Force"},
    weightkg: 57.05,
    fusion: ["Salamence", "Mawile"],
Last edited:
I took ana's review into account and realized two things. The first is I'm good at making stupid shit and I should ask for reviews before submission. The second is that I had a disgusting lack of fighting types in this slate, so let's change that.

DNA Donors: Alakazam / Steelix
Fusion Name: Alakalix
New Types: Psychic/Ground
Base Stats: 73 / 69 / 122 / 95 / 90 / 95 [BST: 544] (+8 HP / +2 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Mystic Crystal = (Magic Guard + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: Effects of both.
Notable Moves:

Psychic, Steel Beam (only as base), Flash Cannon (only if mega), Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Energy Ball
Calm Mind, Recover, Substitute
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Physical Wall, Setup Sweeper (Calm Mind)
Role Justification: Even alakazam’s defense stat can’t hold steelix’s insane defense capabilities that far down. This also gets a hilarious move called steel beam that I will preemptively apologize for. Potential to set up on hazard/status-reliant mons with a decent amount of coverage.
DNA Donors: Alakazam / Steelix
Fusion Name: Alakalix-Mega-X
New Types: Psychic/Ground
Base Stats: 73 / 69 / 142 / 135 / 100 / 125 [BST: 644] (+8 HP / +2 Atk / +20 Def / +40 SpA / +20 SpD / +50 Spe)
New Ability: Trace = (Magic Guard + Sheer Force)
Notable Moves: See above

Intended Role: See above
Role Justification: This just does everything better, be it tank or sweep, especially with that speed stat. Granted the ability, I fully understand if this is vetoed.
alakalix-mega-x: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Steel"],
    species: "Alakalix-mega-x",
    id: "alakalix-mega-x",
    baseStats: {hp: 65, atk: 67, def: 142, spa: 145, spd: 100, spe: 125}
    abilities: {0: "Trace"},
    weightkg: 224,
    fusion: ["Alakazam", "Steelix"],
DNA Donors: Alakazam / Steelix
Fusion Name: Alakalix-Mega-Y
New Types: Psychic/Ground
Base Stats: 73 / 109 / 152 / 95 / 120 / 95 [BST: 644] (+8 HP / +42 Atk / +30 Def / +0 SpA / +40 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Sand Force = (Magic Guard + Sheer Force)
Notable Moves: See Above +
Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Thunder Punch

Intended Role: See above + Special Wall + Physical Wallbreaker (so basically mixed Wallbreaker and wall)
Role Justification: The boost from Steelixite brings increased stats to both defenses as well as a major attack boost, rendering the two attack stats nearly equal. This allows for a mixed moveset that involves slightly better coverage (specifically ice moves) at the cost of a situational ability. The mega ability this gets however, is simply bad enough that this form is not as good as the base form, even with the new stats.
alakalix-mega-y: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Steel"],
    species: "Alakalix-Mega-Y",
    id: "alakalix-mega-y",
    baseStats: {hp: 65, atk: 107, def: 152, spa: 105, spd: 120, spe: 95}
    abilities: {0: "Sand Force"},
    weightkg: 224,
    fusion: ["Alakazam", "Steelix"],
alakalix: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Steel"],
    species: "Alakalix",
    id: "alakalix",
    baseStats: {hp: 65, atk: 67, def: 122, spa: 105, spd: 90, spe: 95}
    abilities: {0: "Mystic Crystal"},
    weightkg: 224,
    fusion: ["Alakazam", "Steelix"],
We all scream!

DNA Donors: Weavile / Vanilluxe
Fusion Name: Weavanille
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 117 / 85 / 77 / 90 / 122 [BST: 561] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Sleet of Hand = (Pickpocket + Snow Warning)
Ability Description: Effects of both.
Notable Moves:
Icicle Spear, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Triple Axel, Throat Chop, Fake Out

Swords Dance, Substitute, Aurora Veil
Intended Role: Fast Physical Wallbreaker, Hail Setter
Role Justification: It plays like Weavile with some utility and a funky ability
weavanille: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Dark"],
    species: "Weavanille",
    id: "weavanille",
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 117, def: 85, spa: 77, spd: 90, spe: 122}
    abilities: {0: "Sleet of Hand"},
    weightkg: 45.75,
    fusion: ["Weavile", "Vanilluxe"],
DNA Donors: Seismitoad / Nihilego
Fusion Name: Seismilego
New Types: Rock/Ground
Base Stats: 107 / 74 / 61 / 126 / 103 / 108 [BST: 579] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Amphibeast = (Water Absorb + Beast Boost)
Ability Description: Effects of both.
Notable Moves:

Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, Hex, Thunderbolt, Surf, Hydro Pump, Power Gem
Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Toxic
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes)
Role Justification: Look kids, it’s a special rock mon! That doesn’t usually exist. I’m unfortunately not very good at competitive play so I don’t have all that much to say that hasn’t been covered by the template.
seismilego: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ground", "Poison"],
    species: "Seismilego",
    id: "seismilego",
    baseStats: {hp: 107, atk: 74, def: 61, spa: 126, spd: 103, spe: 108}
    abilities: {0: "Amphibeast"},
    weightkg: 58.75,
    fusion: ["Seismitoad", "Nihilego"],
The Return of the King

DNA Donors: Toxicroak / Gallade
Fusion Name: Toxillade
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 125 / 85 / 75 / 90 / 90 [BST: 542] (+2 HP / +10 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Resolute = (Anticipation + Steadfast)
Ability Description: On switch-in, if the opposing Pokémon has a super effective move against this Pokémon, its speed stat raises by 1.
Notable Moves:
Drain Punch, Close Combat, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Earthquake, Triple Axel

Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Swords Dance)
Role Justification: This mon has 3 weaknesses: Flying, Ground, and Psychic, the last of which is a 4x weakness. It just so happens that many of the best pokemon in the meta have one of these three types. Now usually that would mean a mon like this would suck, but it turns it into a glass cannon with the speed boost it gets from its ability. If you feel safe against a team, you could consider setting up with Swords Dance. Then there's the mega, which really just serves as a stat boost, especially after the activation of Resolute.

DNA Donors: Toxicroak / Gallade
Fusion Name: Toxillade-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 165 / 115 / 75 / 90 / 120 [BST: 642] (+2 HP / +50 Atk / +50 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +38 Spe)
New Ability: Inner Focus = (Anticipation + Steadfast)
Notable Moves: The same as before, minus Endure and Reversal

Intended Role: Same as base
Role Justification: Explained in base
toxillade-mega: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Poison"],
    species: "Toxillade-Mega",
    id: "toxillade-mega",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 165, def: 115, spa: 75, spd: 90, spe: 120}
    abilities: {0: "Inner Focus"},
    weightkg: 48.2,
    fusion: ["Toxicroak", "Gallade"],
toxillade: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Poison"],
    species: "Toxillade",
    id: "toxillade",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 125, def: 85, spa: 75, spd: 90, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Resolute"},
    weightkg: 48.2,
    fusion: ["Toxicroak", "Gallade"],
The old one
DNA Donors/ Parents: Aurorus / Aerodactyl
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Aurodactyl
New Types:

Base Stats: 101 / 105 / 83 / 79 / 83 / 105 [BST: 556] (+0 HP / +14 Atk / +15 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Subzero Impact = (Refrigerate + Rock Head)
Ability Description: Effects of both
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Double Edge, Ice Fang (if mega), Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Fire Fang, Iron Head, Dual Wingbeat

Dragon Dance, Substitute
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Dragon Dance
Role Justification: Abuser of Ice type boosted Double Edge with means for coverage.
Mega Form:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Aurorus / Aerodactyl
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Aurodactyl-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 101 / 140 / 93 / 89 / 103 / 130 [BST: 656] (+0 HP / +49 Atk / +25 Def / +10 SpA / +20 SpD / +36 Spe)
New Ability: Tough Claws = (Refrigerate + Rock Head)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Intended Role: Same as base
Role Justification: Major offensive and slight defensive boost at the cost of double edge, definitely better for coverage than base form, but you may have to actually use your brain to run the mega.
aurodactyl-mega: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Flying"],
    species: "Aurodactyl-Mega",
    id: "aurodactyl-mega",
    baseStats: {hp: 101, atk: 140, def: 93, spa: 89, spd: 103, spe: 130}
    abilities: {0: "Tough Claws"},
    weightkg: 142,
    fusion: ["Aurorus", "Aerodactyl"],
aurodactyl: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Flying"],
    species: "Aurodactyl",
    id: "aurodactyl",
    baseStats: {hp: 101, atk: 105, def: 83, spa: 79, spd: 83, spe: 105}
    abilities: {0: "Subzero Impact"},
    weightkg: 142,
    fusion: ["Aurorus", "Aerodactyl"],
Last edited:
DNA Donors: Ninetales / Arcanine
Fusion Name: Ninenine
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 105 / 80 / 95 / 90 / 110 [BST: 568] (+7 HP / +12 Atk / +3 Def / +5 SpA / +0 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Drate = (Drought + Intimidate)
Ability Description: The effect of the both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Extreme speed, Solar beam, flare blitz, Crunch, Play Rough…
Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Burn Up, Extrasensory, …
Nasty Plot, Will o Wisp, Confuse Ray…
Intended Role: A physical attacker and sun setter.
Role Justification: This Pokémon is a sun setter who have very goods moves and it has goods defenses.
ninenine: {
    num: 75000###,
    species: "Ninenine",
    id: "ninenine",
    baseStats: {hp: 88, atk: 105, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 90, spe: 110}
    abilities: {0: "Drate"},
    weightkg: 87.45,
    fusion: ["Ninetales", "Arcanine"],
DNA Donors: Venusaur / Celebi
Fusion Name: Celesaur
New Types:

Base Stats: 102 / 95 / 95 / 110 / 110 / 90 [BST: 602] (+12 HP / +4 Atk / +4 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Chlorocure = (Chlorophyll + Natural Cure)
Ability Description: The effect of the both abilities.
Notable Moves:
U-turn, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade,…
Psychic, Leaf Storm, Solar Beam, Sludge Bomb…
Toxic, Nasty Plot, ...
Intended Role:This Pokémon is a special attacker who goes with a sun setter.
Role Justification:This mon can do many damage with great moves does this Pokémon learns with the sun and his abilities.
 Celesaur: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Poison"],
    species: "Celesaur",
    id: "celesaur",
    baseStats: {hp: 102, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 110, spd: 110, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Chlorocure"},
    weightkg: 97.45,
    fusion: ["Venusaur", "Celebi"],
DNA Donors: Ninetales-Alola / Regice
Fusion Name: Recitale-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 60 / 95 / 100 / 150 / 90 [BST: 580] (+9 HP / +2 Atk / +8 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Snow Body = (Snow Warning + Ice Body)
Ability Description: The effect of the both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Blizzard, Dazzling Gleam, Ice beam…
Nasty Plot, Thunder wave…
Intended Role: It's a defensive and a hail setter
Role Justification: It has a very good defensive stats and puts easily the hail having recover some of it's health with the hail.
recitale-alola: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Fairy"],
    species: "Recitale-Alola",
    id: "recitale-alola",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 60, def: 95, spa: 100, spd: 150, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Snow Body"},
    weightkg: 97.45,
    fusion: ["Ninetales-Alola", "Regice"],
DNA Donors: Pelipper / Jolteon
Fusion Name: Pelipeon
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 85 / 110 [BST: 520] (+8 HP / +3 Atk / +5 Def / +8 SpA / +3 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Drizzle Absorb = (Drizzle + Volt Absorb)
Ability Description: The effect of the two abilities.
Notable Moves:
Scald, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, Volt Swich…
Thunder Wave, Rain Dance…
Intended Role: A rain setter
Role Justification: It can do a very good damage with rain and the moves Scald and Thunder.
pelipeon: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Water", "Electric"],
species: "Pelipeon",
id: "pelipeon",
baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 60, def: 85, spa: 110, spd: 85, spe: 110}
abilities: {0: "Drizzle Absorb"},
weightkg: 26.25,
fusion: ["Pelipper", "Jolteon"],
DNA Donors: Porygon2 / Onix
Fusion Name: Poryx2
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 62 / 125 / 77 / 80 / 80 [BST: 489] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +15 Spe)
New Ability: Down Head = (Download + Rock Head)
Ability Description: The effect of the both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Tail, ...
Discharge, Psibeam…
Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Sandstorm, …
Intended Role: Defensive Mon that put the Stealth Rock.
Role Justification: This mon doesn't have very good offensive moves but, this is very defensive and have the Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave.
poryx2: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ground", "Normal"],
    species: "Poryx2",
    id: "poryx2",
    baseStats: {hp: 65, atk: 62, def: 125, spa: 77, spd: 80, spe: 80}
    abilities: {0: "Down Head"},
    weightkg: 121.25,
    fusion: ["Porygon2", "Onix"],
DNA Donors: Steelix / Darmanitan
Fusion Name: Darlix
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 125 / 135 / 48 / 85 / 75 [BST: 563] (+5 HP / +13 Atk / +8 Def / +6 SpA / +25 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: = (Sheer Force + Sheer Force)
Ability Description:
Notable Moves:
Rock Slide, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, ...
Belly Drum, Taunt, Curse, Stealth Rock, ...
Intended Role: Physical attacker.
Role Justification: This mon has a high Attack, who's can done a lot of damage with moves like Flare Blitz bosted by Sheer Force.
darlix: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Fire", "Ground"],
species: "Darlix",
id: "darlix",
baseStats: {hp: 95, atk: 125, def: 135, spa: 48, spd: 85, spe: 75}
abilities: {0: ""},
weightkg: 246.45,
fusion: ["Steelix", "Darmanitan"],
Last edited:
DNA Donors: Diancie / Salazzle
Fusion Name: Dianzzle
New Types:

Base Stats: 69 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 105 / 90 [BST: 579] (+10 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: What body? = (Clear Body + Oblivious)
Ability Description: Has the effect of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
: Moonblast, Sludge Wave, Fire blast,
: Nasty Plot
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Alright so this wallbreaker is designed to break one wall in particular and whether or not it's a wall is up for debate. It's Weezlord. Rather than you take my word for it here's some math to convicne you that it can beat weezlord.
252+ SpA Dianzzle Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Weezlord: 494-584 (97.6 - 115.4%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Dianzzle Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Weezlord: 492-582 (97.2 - 115%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
Alright so outside of that it can deal with most non-brontun based steels with fire blast and most tanettes with sludge wave.
dianzzle: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fairy", "Poison"],
    species: "Dianzzle",
    id: "dianzzle",
    baseStats: {hp: 69, atk: 85, def: 105, spa: 125, spd: 105, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "What body?"},
    weightkg: 15.5,
    fusion: ["Diancie", "Salazzle"],
DNA Donors: Calyrex / Jirachi
Fusion Name: Jirex
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 100 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 100 [BST: 590] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Shield Dust = (Unnerve + Serene Grace)
Ability Description: Prevents secondary effects from occurring
Notable Moves:
: Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, U-Turn, Play Rough, Drain Punch, Fire Punch
: Psyshock, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Aura Sphere
: Leech Seed, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Wish, Healing Wish, Trick, Calm Mind
Intended Role: Mixed Wall, Hazard Setter[Stealth Rock], and probably a ton more because really this thing is more of a Jack of all Trades rather than being good at one specific thing.
Role Justification: Jirex is weird. It's ability isn't too powerful, but it somewhat makes up for it by being fairly splashable. It can pretty much fulfill any role you want. However it'd probably end up being a mixed wall, a hazard setter, or a physical scarfer who doesn't really need to be afraid of getting burned by scalds. You could try to pull off a calm mind set up sweeper set, but that might be a bit tricky. It could also try an function as a cleric thanks to its higher HP and access to wish and u-turn. All around it's not the best at anything but it can do a lot.
jirex: {
    num: 75000###, 
    types:["Psychic", "Steel"],
    species: "Jirex", 
    id: "jirex", 
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 90, spd: 100, spe: 100} 
    abilities: {0: "Shield Dust"}, 
    weightkg: 4.4, 
    fusion: ["Calyrex", "Jirachi"],
Last edited:
Ariachi (Test).png
W.I.P. sprite
DNA Donors/ Parents: Jirachi / Ariados
Offspring Name: Ariachi
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 95 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 75 [BST: 540] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +20 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Serene Sniper = (Serene Grace + Sniper)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Iron Head, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, U-turn, Zen Headbutt
Moonblast, Psychic, Psyshock, Signal Beam, Sludge Bomb
Calm Mind, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Swords Dance, Toxic Spikes, Wish
Intended Role:
Physical/Special/Mixed wallbreaker
Setup Sweeper (Calm Mind, Swords Dance)
Choice Band/Specs
Offensive Pivot

Wish Passer
Defensive Pivot

Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web)
Role Justification: Being jack of all trade. It just basically that since I remove the Sleep Injection.
ariachi: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Bug", "Psychic"],
species: "Ariachi",
id: "ariachi",
baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 95, def: 90, spa: 100, spd: 90, spe: 75}
abilities: {0: "Sleep Injection"},
weightkg: 17.3,
fusion: ["Jirachi", "Ariados"],
W.I.P. sprite
DNA Donors/ Parents: Ribombee / Vikavolt
Offspring Name: Ribomvolt
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 80 / 75 / 120 / 75 / 90 [BST: 520] (+12 HP / +18 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Insomnia = (Sweet Veil + Levitate)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Energy Ball, Moonblast, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch
Defog, Quiver Dance, Roost, Sticky Web, Thunder Wave
Intended Role:
Special wallbreaker
Setup Sweeper (Quiver Dance)
Choice Specs/Scarf
Offensive Pivot

Hazard Setter (Sticky Web)
Hazard Control (Defog)
Role Justification: Offensive is just QD or Volt Switch. And utility is basically what it has.
ribomvolt: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Fairy", "Electric"],
species: "Ribomvolt",
id: "ribomvolt",
baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 80, def: 75, spa: 120, spd: 75, spe: 90}
abilities: {0: "Insomnia"},
weightkg: 22.75,
fusion: ["Ribombee", "Vikavolt"],
W.I.P. sprite
DNA Donors/ Parents: Shuckle / Mawile
Offspring Name: Shuwile
New Types:

Base Stats: 40 / 50 / 160 / 40 / 160 / 30 [BST: 480] (+5 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +8 SpA / +18 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Clear Body = (Contrary + Hyper Cutter)
Shuwile Mega.png
W.I.P. sprite
Name: Mega Shuwile

Base Stats: 40 / 70 / 200 / 40 / 200 / 30
Ability: Huge Power
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Earthquake, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Sucker Punch
Shell Smash, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Swords Dance, Taunt
Intended Role:
Physical wallbreaker (Mega)
Setup Sweeper (Shell Smash, Swords Dance) (Mega)

Physical/Special/Mixed Wall

Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock, Sticky Web)
Role Justification: Just a Shuckle with better defensive typing, but less defensive stat. Its Mega can setup with SD or Shell Smash.
shuwile: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Bug", "Steel"],
species: "Shuwile",
id: "shuwile",
baseStats: {hp: 40, atk: 50, def: 160, spa: 40, spd: 160, spe: 30}
abilities: {0: "Full Metal Body"},
weightkg: 16,
fusion: ["Shuckle", "Mawile"],
W.I.P. sprite
DNA Donors/ Parents: Frosmoth / Genesect
Offspring Name: Frossect
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 95 / 95 / 130 / 95 / 85 [BST: 575] (+5 HP / +3 Atk / +18 Def / +8 SpA / +3 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Freezing Shell = (Download + Ice Scales)
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokémon's Special Defense is raised by 1 stage.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Extreme Speed, Iron Head, Play Rough, Triple Axel, U-turn, Zen Headbutt
Flash Cannon, Giga Drain, Hurricane, Ice Beam, Psychic
Defog, Light Screen, Quiver Dance, Reflect, Shift Gear
Intended Role:
Physical/Special/Mixed wallbreaker
Setup Sweeper (Quiver Dance, Shift Gear)
Choice Specs/Scarf
Offensive Pivot

Special Wall
Defensive Pivot

Hazard Control (Defog)
Role Justification: Shift Gear or QD setup sweeper balanced by 2 of 4× weaknesses. Also has a special defense boost to improve it survivability.
frossect: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Ice", "Steel"],
species: "Frossect",
id: "frossect",
baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 95, def: 95, spa: 130, spd: 95, spe: 85}
abilities: {0: "Freezing Shell"},
weightkg: 62.25,
fusion: ["Frosmoth", "Genesect"],
W.I.P. sprite
DNA Donors/ Parents: Vulpix / Ho-Oh
Offspring Name: Vul-Oh
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 100 / 65 / 85 / 110 / 80 [BST: 528] (+16 HP / +15 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +1 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Summer Monarch = (Drought + Regenerator)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Brave Bird, Earthquake, Sacred Fire
Defog, Roost
Intended Role:
Physical wallbreaker

Special Wall

Hazard Control (Defog)
Sun Setter
Role Justification: Basic Sun Setter with recovery and good physical movepool.
vul-oh: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Fire", "Flying"],
species: "Vul-Oh",
id: "vul-oh",
baseStats: {hp: 88, atk: 100, def: 65, spa: 85, spd: 110, spe: 80}
abilities: {0: "Solar Monarch"},
weightkg: 104.45,
fusion: ["Vulpix", "Ho-Oh"],
W.I.P. sprite
DNA Donors/ Parents: Vulpix-Alola / Ho-Oh
Offspring Name: Vul-Oh-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 85 / 65 / 100 / 110 / 80 [BST: 528] (+16 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +1 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Winter Monarch = (Snow Warning + Regenerator)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Air Slash, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Giga Drain
Aurora Veil, Defog, Heal Bell, Roost
Intended Role:
Special wallbreaker

Special Wall

Hazard Control (Defog)
Hail Setter
Role Justification: Basic Hail Setter with a handful of utilities and some offensive power.
vul-oh-alola: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Ice", "Flying"],
species: "Vul-Oh-Alola",
id: "vul-oh-alola",
baseStats: {hp: 88, atk: 85, def: 65, spa: 100, spd: 110, spe: 80}
abilities: {0: "Winter Monarch"},
weightkg: 104.45,
fusion: ["Vulpix-Alola", "Ho-Oh"],
Last edited:
Bascudash is back! Its stats have been reworked a bit as well.
DNA Donors: Rapidash-Galar / Basculin
Fusion Name: Bascudash
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 101 / 67 / 93 / 69 / 111 [BST: 518] (+10 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +13 SpA / +2 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Adapted Pastel = (Adaptability + Pastel Veil)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities
Notable Moves:
: Play Rough, Aqua Tail, Aqua Jet, Head Smash, Psychic Fangs, Megahorn, High Horsepower, Throat Chop, Wild Charge, Body Slam
: Hydro Pump, Surf, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Stored Power, Ice Beam
: Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Taunt, Substitute, Morning Sun
Intended Role: Mixed Wallbreaker, Choice Band, Calm Mind Setup, Swords Dance Setup
Role Justification: A fast wallbreaker who can mix up with both Physical and Special Sets. Swords dance and Calm Mind, alongside Adapted Pastel allows Bascudash to hit quite hard, especially considering its high speed tier.
bascudash: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fairy", "Water"],
    species: "Bascudash",
    id: "bascudash",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 101, def: 67, spa: 93, spd: 69, spe: 111}
    abilities: {0: "Adapted Pastel"},
    weightkg: 49,
    fusion: ["Rapidash-Galar", "Basculin"],
DNA Donors: Stunfisk-Galar / Gogoat
Fusion Name: Stungoat-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 116 / 100 / 80 / 101 / 92 / 50 [BST: 539] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Adaptive Hunting = (Mimicry + Grass Pelt)
Ability Description: Boost the Pokémon's stat by 50% depending on the terrain.
Electric & Grassy - Defense
Psychic & Misty - Sp. Defense
Notable Moves:
: Leaf Blade, Horn Leech, Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace, Revenge, Payback, Ice Fang, Zen Headbutt
: Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Surf, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Solar Beam, Earth Power, Terrain Pulse
: Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Milk Drink, Leech Seed, Bulk Up, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Grassy Terrain Abuser, Electric Terrain Abuser, Physical Wall
Role Justification: Setting up Grassy and Electric terrain w/ corresponding seeds grants physical walling capabilities, building it up as a hard hitter under terrain with good physical bulk. Honestly, I just wanted to make mimicry actually useful.
stungoat-galar: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Steel", "Grass"],
    species: "Stungoat-Galar",
    id: "stungoat-galar",
    baseStats: {hp: 116, atk: 100, def: 80, spa: 101, spd: 92, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Adaptive Hunting"},
    weightkg: 55.75,
    fusion: ["Stunfisk-Galar", "Gogoat"],
DNA Donors: Tapu Bulu / Thievul
Fusion Name: Tapu Evul
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 94 / 106 / 86 / 103 / 82 [BST: 551] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Enchanted Sprouts = (Grassy Surge + Stakeout)
Ability Description: Upon switching out, this Pokémon summons Grassy Terrain.
Notable Moves:
: U-Turn, Zen Headbutt, Wood Hammer, Megahorn, Stone Edge, High Horsepower, Darkest Lariat, Superpower, Close Combat, Play Rough, Foul Play
: Nature's Madness, Snarl, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Stored Power
: Parting Shot, Leech Seed, Substitute, Taunt, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Nasty Plot
Intended Role: Defensive Pivot, Grassy Terrain Setter, Calm Mind Setup, Bulk Up Setup, Nasty Plot Setup
Role Justification: Parting Shot and Taunt Utility with the ability to set up Grassy Terrain upon pivoting to an ally. Its vast move pool can also allow it to attempt to setup and hit hard if desired.
tapu evul: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dark", "Fairy"],
    species: "Tapu Evul",
    id: "tapu evul",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 94, def: 106, spa: 86, spd: 103, spe: 82}
    abilities: {0: "Enchanted Sprouts"},
    weightkg: 32.7,
    fusion: ["Tapu Bulu", "Thievul"],
These sprites took me a good while
DNA Donors: Sceptile / Beheeyem
Fusion Name: Beheeptile
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 90 / 70 / 120 / 90 / 100 [BST: 547] (+5 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Unbound Prowess = (Unburden + Analytic)
Ability Description: If this Pokémon is not holding an item, the power of their attacks gets boosted by 30%
Notable Moves:
: Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Zen Headbutt, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Acrobatics, Earthquake, Iron Tail
: Meteor Beam, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Leaf Storm, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Tri Attack
: Dragon Dance, Nasty Plot, Agility, Calm Mind
Intended Role: Mixed Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Ddance, Nplot, Cmind)
Role Justification: An incredibly potent, hard-hitting wall breaker. Setting up with Power Herb + meteor beam is an incredibly potent choice that Beheeptile can open with.
beheeptile: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Grass"],
    species: "Beheeptile",
    id: "beheeptile",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 90, def: 70, spa: 120, spd: 90, spe: 100}
    abilities: {0: "Unbound Prowess"},
    weightkg: 43.35,
    fusion: ["Sceptile", "Beheeyem"],
DNA Donors: Sceptile-Mega / Beheeyem
Fusion Name: Beheeptile-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 115 / 80 / 160 / 90 / 125 [BST: 647]
New Ability: Lightning Rod
Role Justification: Yeah, 160 Sp.Atk means this is definitely getting banned.
beheeptile-mega: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Dragon"],
    species: "Beheeptile-Mega",
    id: "beheeptile-mega",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 115, def: 80, spa: 160, spd: 90, spe: 125}
    abilities: {0: "Lightning Rod"},
    weightkg: 43.35,
    fusion: ["Sceptile-Mega", "Beheeyem"],

DNA Donors: Hawlucha / Ribombee
Fusion Name: Luchabee
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 73 / 70 / 104 / 66 / 127 [BST: 520] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +6 Spe)
New Ability: Sweet Breaker = (Mold Breaker + Sweet Veil)
Ability Description: This Pokémon can use moves regardless of abilities or sleep status.
Notable Moves:
: U-Turn
: Focus Blast, Psychic, Energy Ball, Bug Buzz, Pollen Puff, Dazzling Gleam
: Sticky Web, Taunt, Roost, Quiver Dance, Trick, Switcheroo, Stun Spore, Rest
Intended Role: Sticky Web Setter, Quiver Dance Setup, Offensive Pivot, Sleep Absorber
Role Justification: Luchabee is an offensive support who can reliably set webs, taunt opponents, and pivot. Access to Quiver Dance also give it decent setup potential as a mix up.
luchabee: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Bug", "Fighting"],
    species: "Luchabee",
    id: "luchabee",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 73, def: 70, spa: 104, spd: 66, spe: 127}
    abilities: {0: "Sweet Breaker"},
    weightkg: 11,
    fusion: ["Hawlucha", "Ribombee"],
Last edited:

Mossy Sandwich

Gunning for the top
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
DNA Donors: Stonjourner / Golurk
Fusion Name: Stonlurk
New Types:

Base Stats: 94 / 134 / 107 / 37 / 60 / 82 [BST: 514] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: All-Out Offense = (Power Spot + No Guard)
Ability Description: While this pokemon is on the field, every move deals 1.3x damage.

Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Earthquake, Poltergeist, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Stone Edge
37 spatk...
Rock Polish, Stealth Rock, Trick?
Intended Role: Wallbreaker
Role Justification: A glass cannon that can deal incredible damage thanks to its powerful stab, ability and high attack stat but that can struggle to get on the field due to its mediocre defensive typing and its ability making it frailer. Once it does get on the field though, it can cause insane damage and rip defensive cores apart. It can make use of Choice Band to have as much instant power as possible or go with Life Orb and Rock Polish giving it a chance to setup against more offensive teams. Also CS2 stonjourner lol.
stonlurk: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Ghost"],
    species: "Stonlurk",
    id: "stonlurk",
    baseStats: {hp: 94, atk: 134, def: 107, spa: 37, spd: 60, spe: 82}
    abilities: {0: "All-Out Offense"},
    weightkg: 425,
    fusion: ["Stonjourner", "Golurk"],
DNA Donors: Kabutops / Zeraora
Fusion Name: Kabuora
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 120 / 90 / 83 / 83 / 120 [BST: 586] (+16 HP / +7 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +8 SpD / +9 Spe)
New Ability: Thunder Armor = (Battle Armor + Volt Absorb)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn, Knock Off, Liquidation, Plasma Fists, Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Taunt, Toxic
Intended Role: Suicide Lead, Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: Kabuora is fast and has a lot of utility with Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Taunt, Stealth Rock and Flip Turn making it a nice support pivot. It can also be a good suicide lead thanks to its good speed, Rocks and Taunt. It can also be a setup sweeper thanks to Swords Dance and good offensive stats. It can't really touch grass types but it can still use Toxic, Knock Off or Flip Turn against them, crippling them or gaining momentum. Outside of that, you can expect it to do a lot of Zeraora stuff as a fast supportive pivot.
kabuora: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Electric"],
    species: "Kabuora",
    id: "kabuora",
    baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 120, def: 90, spa: 83, spd: 83, spe: 120}
    abilities: {0: "Thunder Armor"},
    weightkg: 42.5,
    fusion: ["Kabutops", "Zeraora"],
Viable(?) Rattled User
DNA Donors: Necrozma-Dusk-Mane / Snubbull
Fusion Name: Necrobull
New Types:

Base Stats: 78 / 128 / 108 / 76 / 74 / 63 [BST: 527] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Rattled Armor = (Prism Armor + Rattled)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Play Rough, Zen Headbutt, Sunsteel Strike…
Photon Geyser*…
Swords Dance, Dragon Dance…
*Physical when Attack>Special Attack
Intended Role: Setup Sweeper (Swords/Dragon Dance)
Role Justification: Abuses Rattled. With Fairy/Psychic, Bug and Dark moves (such as U Turn and Knock Off) deal neutral damage and it profits from the +1 Speed. Ghost moves are still supereffective but Prism Armor makes them do 3/4 damage (this could be used in some weird Weakness Policy set I guess?). After setting up Swords/Dragon Dance and with a +1 in Speed, it can Ultra Burst with the Depleted Ultranecrozium Z.
:ss/necrozma_ultra: :ss/snubbull:
Name: Necrobull-Ultra
New Types:

Base Stats: 78 / 138 / 78 / 138 / 78 / 115
New Ability: Neuroforce
necrobull: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fairy", "Psychic"],
    species: "Necrobull",
    id: "necrobull",
    baseStats: {hp: 78, atk: 128, def: 108, spa: 76, spd: 74, spe: 63}
    abilities: {0: "Rattled Armor"},
    weightkg: 233.9,
    fusion: ["Necrozma-Dusk-Mane", "Snubbull"],
Has 2 Megas but ISNT completely useless without them
DNA Donors: Swampert / Sharpedo
Fusion Name: Swampedo
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 115 / 85 / 90 / 85 / 77 [BST: 537] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Cascade = (Torrent + Speed Boost)
Ability Description: This Pokemon's Speed is raised 1 stage when it uses a Water move.
Notable Moves:
Liquidation, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Ice Fang, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Flip Turn…
Rain Dance…
Intended Role: Choice Band User, Setup Sweeper (Rain Dance), Rain Abuser (Swampertite)
Role Justification: Base Form can either run Choice Band (gradually increasing speed and alternatively pivoting away with Flip Turn) or Rain Dance (working like a pseudo Swift Swim user). Now for the Megas.
:ss/swampert_mega: :ss/sharpedo:
Name: Swampedo-Mega-X
Base Stats: 85 / 155 / 105 / 100 / 105 / 87
New Ability: Swift Swim
Now while the stats and the ability may seem overwhelming, especially paired with Kyottler, it is actually not that hard to deal with. Kyottler is weak to Rocks and would love Boots, but then Rain doesn't last as long. In terms of typing, Kyottler and Swampedo-Mega-X share an Electric weakness, which helps balance things out. Additionally, Grass and Fairy hit Kyottler neutrally but they're super effective on this fusion.
:ss/swampert: :ss/sharpedo_mega:
Name: Swampedo-Mega-Y
Base Stats: 85 / 135 / 115 / 105 / 110 / 87
New Ability: Strong Jaw
After setting up Rain Dance (and thus getting +1 Speed) in the Base Form, this thing can deal a lot of damage with Liquidation+Strong Jaw STAB Crunch. As a bonus, it even comes with Poison Fang for Tanette (The thought of people seriously running Poison Fang is funny to me for some reason). This is a nice option for people who don't want to use a Rain Team or the Choice Band set, and comes with neat coverage.
swampedo: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Dark"],
    species: "Swampedo",
    id: "swampedo",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 115, def: 85, spa: 90, spd: 85, spe: 77}
    abilities: {0: "Cascade"},
    weightkg: 85.35,
    fusion: ["Swampert", "Sharpedo"],
VoltTurn go brr
DNA Donors: Emolga / Genesect
Fusion Name: Emolsect
New Types:

Base Stats: 83 / 97 / 87 / 97 / 87 / 101 [BST: 552] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Upload = (Motor Drive + Download)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
U Turn, Wild Charge, Leech Life, Knock Off…
Volt Switch, Bug Buzz, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam…
Shift Gear…
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper (Shift Gear)
Role Justification: Has STAB Volt Switch and U Turn, with Download boosting one of them based on the foe's weaker Defense. Motor Drive is situational but can result in a nice +1 to Speed alongside the Download boost. Alternatively, Shift Gear can be used for sweeping purposes. There's also some weird utility stuff with Defog or Tailwind, but I doubt anyone will run it. Hopefully the Stealth Rock weakness balances things out.
emolsect: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Bug"],
    species: "Emolsect",
    id: "emolsect",
    baseStats: {hp: 83, atk: 97, def: 87, spa: 97, spd: 87, spe: 101}
    abilities: {0: "Upload"},
    weightkg: 43.75,
    fusion: ["Emolga", "Genesect"],
Meteor Beam Unburden returns, with minor adjustments
DNA Donors: Archeops / Sceptile
Fusion Name: Archeoptile
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 112 / 85 / 108 / 85 / 115 [BST: 587] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Haste = (Defeatist + Unburden)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Stone Edge, Leaf Blade, Drain Punch, Earthquake…
Meteor Beam, Giga Drain, Earth Power…
Swords Dance…
Intended Role: Sweeper (Meteor Beam), Terrain Abuser (Electric Seed+Unburden)
Role Justification: Power Herb Meteor Beam Unburden is quite strong, but priority like Mach/Bullet Punch can put it into Defeatist range. Can also be used with Swords Dance and Electric Seed under Electric Terrain, although it is pretty risky. Draining moves can be used to regain strength.
:ss/archeops: :ss/sceptile_mega:
New Type: Rock/Dragon
Base Stats: 82 / 137 / 95 / 148 / 85 / 140
New Ability: Lightning Rod
Probably still banned.
archeoptile: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Grass"],
    species: "Archeoptile",
    id: "archeoptile",
    baseStats: {hp: 82, atk: 112, def: 85, spa: 108, spd: 85, spe: 115}
    abilities: {0: "Haste"},
    weightkg: 42.1,
    fusion: ["Archeops", "Sceptile"],
Last edited:


Sugar, Spice and One For All
is a Community Contributoris a CAP Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I made subs.

DNA Donors: Duraludon / Barraskewda
Offspring Name: Duraskewda
New Types:

Base Stats: 74 / 121 / 95 / 111 / 65 / 115 [BST: 581] (+9 HP / +12 Atk / +8 Def / +21 SpA / +15 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Propeller Tail = (Stalwart + Propeller Tail)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Liquidation, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Close Combat, Aqua Jet, Flip Turn, Drill Run, Throat Chop, Poison Jab
Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Thunder
Stealth Rock, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Mixed Walbreaker, Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Strong mixed Breaker or SD breaker, thanks to its solid mixed offensive stats. It has a solid speed tier, and has a great matchup versus most metagame threats. Sets like SD, Choice Band, LO Mixed or Specs are all solid options for Dura to utilise.
duraskewda: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Dragon"],
    species: "Duraskewda",
    id: "duraskewda",
    baseStats: {hp: 74, atk: 121, def: 95, spa: 111, spd: 65, spe: 115}
    abilities: {0: "Propeller Tail"},
    weightkg: 35,
    fusion: ["Duraludon", "Barraskewda"],
DNA Donors: Dracovish / Lanturn
Offspring Name: Lantovish
New Types:

Base Stats: 112 / 88 / 94 / 98 / 84 / 76 [BST: 552] (+5 HP / +14 Atk / +15 Def / +25 SpA / +6 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Water Absorb = (Water Absorb + Water Absorb)
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Fisheous Rend, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Poison Jab,
Thunderbolt, Scald, Surf, Ice Beam, Volt Switch,
Heal Bell (?)
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Strong Water type Wallbreaker, utilizing the potent Fisheous Rend to support it's otherwise lukewarm at best Attack stat. It unfortunately also lacks secondary STAB from it's physical attacking stat.
lantovish: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Water"],
    species: "Lantovish",
    id: "lantovish",
    baseStats: {hp: 112, atk: 88, def: 94, spa: 98, spd: 84, spe: 76}
    abilities: {0: "Water Absorb"},
    weightkg: 118.75,
    fusion: ["Dracovish", "Lanturn"],
DNA Donors: Conkeldurr / Marowak-Alola
Offspring Name: Conkowak-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 130 / 105 / 55 / 75 / 50 [BST: 503] (+6 HP / +20 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Miner's Body = (Rock Head + Iron Fist)
Ability Description: Recoil and Punching moves have a x1.2 damage multiplier added to them.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Flare Blitz, Mach Punch, Fire Punch, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, Double-Edge, Close Combat, Knock Off
Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Bulk Up, Will-O-Wisp
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Conkowak-Alola uses its ability to strengthen the power of its Flare Blitz and its punching moves to a high level, allowing it ease in wallbreaking various threats in the metagame.
conkowak-alola: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Fire"],
    species: "Conkowak-Alola",
    id: "conkowak-alola",
    baseStats: {hp: 88, atk: 130, def: 105, spa: 55, spd: 75, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Miner's Body"},
    weightkg: 60.5,
    fusion: ["Conkeldurr", "Marowak-Alola"],
DNA Donors: Breloom / Marowak
Fusion Name: Brelowak
New Types:

Base Stats: 60 / 122 / 105 / 55 / 75 / 65 [BST: 482] (+0 HP / +17 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +5 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Battle Tenacity = (Battle Armor + Technician)
Ability Description: Technician Effects + Takes Half damage from moves 60 no and lower.
Notable Moves:
Bonemerang, Bullet Seed, Bone Rush, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Mach Punch
Spore, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Brelowak is a very strong wallbreaker, and utilizes its power to break apart the multitude of defensive poisons that litter the tier. While it is very strong thanks to boosted Bonemerang, a multitude of defensive Pokemon hard wall its STAB combination and outside of that its a little lacking.
brelowak: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Ground"],
    species: "Brelowak",
    id: "brelowak",
    baseStats: {hp: 60, atk: 122, def: 105, spa: 55, spd: 75, spe: 65}
    abilities: {0: "Battle Tenacity"},
    weightkg: 42.1,
    fusion: ["Breloom", "Marowak"],
DNA Donors: Porygon / Corsola-Galar
Offspring Name: Porysola
New Types:

Base Stats: 62 / 57 / 94 / 88 / 97 / 43 [BST: 441] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +9 Def / +13 SpA / +10 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Cursed Data = (Trace + Cursed Body)
Ability Description: Disables the foe's ability upon switch-in.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Shadow Ball, Hex, Tri-Attack, Night Shade, Ice Beam, Discharge
Stealth Rock, Will O Wisp, Strength Sap, Calm Mind, Recover, Toxic, Teleport
Intended Role: Wall, Defensive Pivot
Role Justification: Porysola switches in and shuts down most wallbreakers that use their abilities to effectively wallbreak (see Manicuno-Galar and Noicity) with its particularly potent anti-ability ability. Whether as a physical, mixed or special wall, Porysola can always find use on your team, and with access to Teleport, can keep up momentum. It's double weakness to Knock Off, vulnerability to status and slight passiveness hold it back from being a top tier Pokémon, but it's still an excellent pick.
porysola: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Normal", "Ghost"],
species: "Porysola",
id: "porysola",
baseStats: {hp: 62, atk: 57, def: 94, spa: 88, spd: 97, spe: 43}
abilities: {0: "Cursed Data"},
weightkg: 18.5,
fusion: ["Porygon", "Corsola-Galar"],
DNA Donors: Salazzle / Darmanitan
Offspring Name: Darmazzle
New Types:

Base Stats: 87 / 115 / 77 / 70 / 59 / 110 [BST: 518] (+1 HP / +13 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +2 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Corrode Zone = (Zen Mode + Corrosion)
Ability Description: Corrosion Effects + If this Pokémon badly poisons a foe, transforms into Darmazzle-Corrupt for the remainder of the battle.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Gunk Shot, Flare Blitz, Fire Lash, Earthquake, Superpower, Knock Off, U-turn
Dragon Dance, Will-O-Wisp
Intended Role: Set Up Sweeper, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: A strong sweeper with access to high BP STABs in Gunk Shot and Flare Blitz to enable its sweep. Its access to Knock Off and U-turn also allow it to perform as an offensive pivot. It can also can use Toxic to transform itself into a radically different, but just as viable alternate form.

:ss/salazzle: :ss/darmanitan-zen:
DNA Donors: Salazzle / Darmanitan-Zen
Offspring Name: Darmazzle-Corroded
New Types:

Base Stats: 87 / 70 / 127 / 115 / 109 / 70 [BST: 518] (+1 HP / +13 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +2 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Corrode Zone = (Zen Mode + Corrosion)
Ability Description: Corrosion Effects + If this Pokémon badly poisons a foe, transforms into Darmazzle-Corrupt for the remainder of the battle.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Knock Off, U-turn
Psychic, Psyshock, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat
Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, Nasty Plot, Rest
Intended Role: Defensive Pivot, Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Instead of a powerful physical wallbreaker, Darmazzle-Corroded performs as a defensive pivot thanks to its solid bulk and access to utility moves like Knock Off, U-turn and unblockable (sans Magic Biunce) Toxic. It can even use Nasty Plot and be a great breaker, as dual STAB + Toxic can cover a a vast majority of the metagame.
darmazzle: {
num: 75000###,
types:["Poison", "Fire"],
species: "Darmazzle",
id: "darmazzle",
baseStats: {hp: 87, atk: 115, def: 77, spa: 70, spd: 59, spe: 110}
abilities: {0: "Corrode Zone"},
weightkg: 57.55,
fusion: ["Salazzle", "Darmanitan"],
Last edited:

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