Deino plays! np: Pokémon Emerald Randomizer!


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Pokemon Emerald Randomized!

Welcome back to another installment of Pokemon Emerald Randomized. Today is another pretty short episode I've been meaning to post for a while.

Shopping spree!

I walk over to the building where I get TM44 Rest, and instead receive this:

I's related to resting...

Just walking through the grass on Mt. Pyre, I found a Wailmer, and I have plenty of pokeballs, so I decided to grab him.

No one wanted to be Wailmer and it's a girl, so I named it after a very good friend of mine. :3

Anyways, up the mountain we go, destroying Team Aqua grunts left and right. When we get to the top, a certain statement sticks out to me.

Does this really need a caption?

Now we fly to Lavaridge town and bunny hop up the hill to the Magma Hideout. When I first walk in, this is what I see:

A battle of heroes.

[BOX][16:30] <%Ritter> deino make me something
[16:30] <%Deinosaur> i will next

[16:31] <%Deinosaur> lucky you
[16:31] <%Deinosaur> you're a lugia[/BOX]

So RitterCat got super lucky, because Lugia is the strongest mon I have now.

With the help of our new Lugia, we waltz into the hideout and wipe the floor with Magma Grunts. (It may also be due in part to the 45 Hyper Potions I have). As always, when I reach Maxie, I'm messing around.

Are you riding a bike in here?

All of his pokemon are 6 levels above mine at least.

Get stomped nerd. But thanks for the compliment~

And that's all for this episode, short and sweet. Please leave a luvdisc if you enjoyed and if you have any comments or suggestions please post them here or leave me a message. Thanks for reading!



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Grumpig beats out Lugia any day! You're mean! :P

I'll be on the next pokemon you catch. :D


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The last bit of this Let's Play will be broadcasted on Google+ and Twitch TV with users: Mekkah and DHR to commentate along with me.

My twitch channel is here, the broadcast will begin in a few minutes. It will also be recorded for other users who are not online at this time.


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We just finished recording this, and unfortunately it can be viewed as a large failure. The last episode that I posted got rolled back, so I had to play through that part again and it took much longer.

Also, when recording with DHR and Mekkah, the recorder picked up their audio, but not mine. So we have an hour and 20 minutes of DHR and Mekkah talking with awkward pauses in the middle. Hopefully I can get this fixed and try to do more videos, but for now all I have is this terrible recording.

You can still watch it if you would like here, DHR and Mekkah are pretty funny, but it's not a good recording, per say.

I challenged Tate and Liza twice but was shot down both times, so I'll pick this up another time. Thanks for sticking with me, my apologies that it didn't work out.
Lol, sorry that I "left" randomly. We had a region-wide internet/phone/TV outage that lasted all the way until I went out for dinner. It was fun though, and definitely worth doing again sometime.


Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
This was pretty fun, got to be honest. There were some really funny moments that Deino said but you guys cant hear rofl :P

Love to be a part of it again Deinosaur! :D Giving me the confidence to maybe try something similar and not be so embarrassed by my voice!
Wow, you are on Twitch... I like you even more... I followed you on it!

P.S can you nick a Pokémon after me, and what times do you stream?


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is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
So I've been very busy lately and I haven't been able to work on this at all. Unfortunately, I've started to get a little bored with this randomizer run because it involves a lot more grinding than I'd like to do. I think that I'll have more fun, which will in turn make for a more interesting read, if I am playing something I enjoy.

So I am now accepting recommendations for a new game to play! Regular Let's Plays, Challenges, Hacks, just let me know by posting or by message. Thanks for all the support guys!
the video was pretty amusing
[first time i watched it]
though you do make some weird sex noises every now and again lol

anyway i might recommend the game Pokemon: Manly Pink, if you haven't played it.
it's a firered hack with 5th gen pokes, BUT THERE'S MORE!
it changes a lot of things - moves, base powers, and a changed storyline [for example, n appears]. while i won't give away too many details, i found it pretty cool.


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Okay so it looks as if I'll be continuing with the Randomizer, and then I'll play Manly Pink.

Would you rather the screenshots or a video with commentary?

(I'll make sure my mic works)
personally for me i tend to find it easier to check an update that takes 5-10 minutes of my time to read due to other demands for it. oyo

i have a feeling that maybe some sorta finale would be better suited to a video, though?


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is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Pokemon Emerald Randomized!



It's time to go to the Launch Station (that's not the real name and i am too lazy to look it up!) and fight team Magma! LEGGO!

This rock. Yes. Yes. I love rocks. Geology.

So I was just walking through whatever the hell this is and then I met up with my buddy Steven! We beat the crap out of the leaders here and I think that he is really excited (sexually).

What does that mean?

Nicer than my house...

So he gives me Dive and I teach it to Keiran (who is now my little HM bitch) and we're on our way. I go straight to the underwater town (man I'm having trouble with my names now) so that I can just fly there later.

What is this rock here for?

And now we go underwater looking for team Aqua! WOOOOO LEGGO

There seems to be a hole here....HOW SURPRISING.

Deep in the cave...THE CHOICES OMG



I also caught this, but it sucks. :(

Okay, time to fight the leader of team Aqua!


So I absolutely wreck him (he killed all of my mons but one) and we head back outside.

Welcome to Seattle, Washington! Only an hour from where I live!

Remember what I said about too many screenshots?

But here we end it! In SOOOOOOOTOPOLIS. I remembered.

And that's all folks! We're almost done with this, so I will get it done sometime! If you liked this please leave a luvdisc and either leave me a message or post in the thread if you have any comments! Thank you!



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Due to my busy personal life, this thread hasn't been updated in a long, long time. But it's time to change that.

Some time in the next couple days I'll actually do this update, so be excited.


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is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Pokemon Emerald Randomized!



Alright it's been over two months, and this is a short disappointing update :o

So we start off in Sootopolis, and Steven has to show me to the CAVE OF ORIGIN so i can find rayquaza

mm dat ass

he caught me

blah blah blah i have to go find rayquaza (i know i'm a detailed writer, but sometimes i use caps and punctuation)

we're off to see the wizard~

i swear i hit every stupid trainer on the way here because i wasn't paying attention with my speedup spam, took freakin forever

started from the bottom

now we here, and on irc too

so we just fly back since i'm a lazy fuck woooo

guise stop

you'd think with all these ap classes i'm taking that my english would improve

apparently not

so i've pretty much noticed my pokemon are weak and i'm gonna get manhandled by juan


yeah he destroyed my ass, but somehow i pulled it out

i mean he really tore my asshole apart, but he didn't have enough mons

hey ladies

and that's all for today

i can sense my writing slowly decreasing in quality, but that's only because i am getting lazier and lazier

seriously i'll just play and have someone write this part if they want




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Okay so when I made it to the Elite Four, all of my mons were below level 40, and I got absolutely manhandled.

So we're gonna end it here.

Please comment and message me about what game I should try next. I'm open to all suggestions~

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