CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

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Alright, finally got around to my first concept. Here's the first (very rough) version:

Background info:

When I saw the concept, I immediately went looking at shapeshifters, as I felt that something that was the same being yet took different forms fit the concept very well. In my travels, I stumbled upon the idea of mimics, which I'm sure almost all of us are familiar with (for those who aren't, they are treasure chests in the game that actually spawn a (usually) difficult fight instead of rewarding you with a free item). This idea was exactly what I was looking for. The mimic has the appearance of being something that it isn't necessarily, and the idea of a chest is associated with the concept of utility (think tool boxes). Add to that the fact that mimics often pull out random objects they've stored for who knows how long, and you have something that really handle any job from the same basic form.

Reconciling it with a being a water type was rather easy: it's a treasure chest. Treasure chests are often associated with pirates, and are often lost in the ocean. Easy enough. However, electric wasn't something that naturally avails itself to a treasure chest. I decided to add the lightbulb eyes for two reasons: 1) it adds a bit of 'electricity' to the design, and 2) the lightbulb shaped eyes give the vague impression of "stalk-like" eyes that crabs have, which further supports the water typing. I made sure to make the metal plating golden to add a bit of electric feel.

I would like to know if you guys (and gals) think that it needs "more electric?" If so, any ideas for things that I could add? Any other comments are appreciated/welcomed, but I was just curious about that from my own perspective.
Took me forever to think of something that wasn't a fish (I don't know about you guys, but I'm so sick of fish Pokemon), but here's the result. It's supposed to be a mix of a kappa, a taiko (those gigantic Japanese drums) drummer, and Raijin (the Japanese god of lightning and thunder). I think the kappa idea works well for the somewhat defensive stat spreads that are being submitted because of its shell, but at the same time, it still has a sleek design that allows for speed in the water. Kappas normally have a ring of hair on their head, so I changed that to make it look like the headbands taiko drummers usually wear. Lastly, Raijin is said to summon lightning by pounding on a drum with the tomoe symbol (think "sharingan" if you're a Naruto fan) on it. I drew a somewhat electrified version of the tomoe symbol on my design's belly, so I can imagine it using Belly Drum to power up its electric moves.

ANYWAY, this is just a work in progress, so I'm open to criticism and feedback! Hope you guys enjoy!

I thought long and hard trying to come up with a cool idea for this CAP. My first instinct was to make a pokemon out of some sort of sea creature. In the end though I abandoned the idea and decided to take it in a totally different direction. Instead I came up with this little guy. He is basically just water with an electrical nervous system running through him. As for his utility, being made of water he can contort himself all sorts of ways. He make himself into a large blog of water, engulf the enemy, and then proceed to electrify himself causing shocks. He could also control water as a defensive mechanism, kind of like Garra, and make water shields. He could flatten himself out and turn himself into a puddle as a defensive maneuver, to dodge an attack, or offensively, making and electric puddle. The list goes on and on! Ill add some supporting material in a little while so you guys can get an idea.

This is also my first attempt at digital art, if you look at my art thread it is all made with sharpies of pens.
Okay, I decided I really didn't like working with yellow so I finished it up a bit more and recolored it. I'm unsure what to do with the claws and what color the ears should be so I would love any advice on that. Also, The Other Doug, what other specific shark features do you suggest? Should I add fins and gills to its side? I think it would be incredibly difficult to repose simply because I have very little knowledge of how to work this art program (it's called "Real World Paint") Finally, should I keep the whiskers how they are? They were going to be long catfish-like whiskers but I found it hard to make them curve and stay symmetrical. The shading hasn't changed too much but it's easier to see on this darker picture. Anyways, thank you for all the help so far!

I'd also like to mention that I really love a lot of the other pictures on here (especially chomzloh's first fish design, the shrimp, paras hilton's jellypixie, and darkmattr's design). Mine is blown completely aside by them. The art poll is going to be very close!

PS: How else can I differentiate it from Garchomp? If I made the top fin smooth rather than jagged, would that help?

EDIT: ~Same guy basically finished with catfish whiskers. Does it look ready to submit?
hi, when i first saw this picture the first thing i thought was : why not make it's neck longer and make it look a little more like a tiger water-snake thing just an idea i got :)
SEO's is by far one of the most incredible CAP submissions I have seen. His art thread is pretty awesome as well. I like how the essence of water and electricity are incorporated into one pokemon with such simplicity. It is really great.

Hopefully i've fixed as many issues with the piece as possible. I do take on as much advice as possible from people after all you guys are the soul of CaP.

As a little backstory to the making of this I picked a polar bear based partially on it's name. A pun on the word polar if you will. I really wanted something that didn't scream water and took on a lot of electric characteristics.
I think people are expecting the CAP's design to scream both Water and Electric type, and whatever abilities and stats the CAP gets.

I like Skyshroud's chest design, but I think it'd be a good idea to see some examples of what happens when its mouth opens.


2 kawaii 4 u
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
Wyverii, I like that design much more than your previous one. I think it resembles the concept much more, and overall simply looks much more visually appealing. ;)


Was fun while it lasted
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Taking a different approach to things here; I've combined the cuttlefish with some electrical appliances to enhance the Pokemon feel, and with some crustacea to embolden its 'bulky' appearance. I feel it may be too anthropomorphic, but you are the best judges of that.
thanks everyone for continued comments and stuff. Just wanted to show some defensive prowess of my creation. more supporting material Shrugging off a draco meteor:

thanks everyone for continued comments and stuff. Just wanted to show some defensive prowess of my creation. more supporting material Shrugging off a draco meteor:
wow, thats really excellent man.
i like how his pose really shows his defensive prowess
this is big to me, as some other submissions look rather frail
I really like this, Xandzero2. Basilisk lizards are my number 1 "why the hell did Gamefreak not make a Pokemon out of this" animal, and I think your sketch is awesome. But in my opinion you should remove that thunderbolt shaped whisker on its face - it makes the whole neck area too busy and makes your guy look more like a fish than a lizard.
Final Submission

Supporting Material
The picture is based off of a "tiger shark" so to speak. Sharks have weak electric fields that they can use to sense prey, which could be interpreted as the Electric and Water types in that respect. Tigers, on the other hand, are very versatile animals, living in a range of climes and conditions, but only the kind their specific species is accustomed to (siberian tigers vs jungle species etc) - similar to how CaP10 is supposed to counter only a certain grouping of threats at a time. Finally, tigers are fairly bulky animals, and that could be interpreted as high Hit Points.
caladbolg's Cloud, aragornbird's Shrimp, Kassidy, pkmn-taicho and Paras Hilton's work all have my support. The cloud is similar but distinct from Castform, aragornbird's Shrimp makes it distinct from fellow crustaceon's such as Kingler and Crawdaunt, Kassidy's Tiger-Shark is well thought out and drawn extremely well, pkmn-taicho's turtle is distinct from Blastoise and seems to fit the concept, and Paras Hilton's sprite seems to fit the concept very well. A lot of other submissions either are too similar to existing pokemon, not involving the two types enough, or don't fit the design's intent as well as possible.

As for other submissions:
Other good submissions will be bold.

-caladbolg's Jellyfish: Even with the altered tentacles to make them pluglike, it has a strong resemblance to Shuckle. Still, very well drawn.
-Cartoons - I like the design, and its beautifully drawn, but I don't really see much Electric influence on the design. Maybe change the symbols on the hood to be more Electric based, or make its feet more plug-like.
-P-K - The frog is very promosing, maybe refine the legs a little bit to make it a bit shorter.
-Yadon - Between similarities to Lanturn and Swampert, this pokemon seems much to similar to existing pokemon. Perhaps shorten the tails a little bit, and change the pose a little to give it a different look than Lanturn.
-Banryu - Unlike a lot of other Eel submissions, this one has promise. It is distinct from both Gorebyss and Huntail, and incorporates both types. It is extremely well done, and should be a contender.
-Cyzir - While I like the design, it isn't incorporating the main type quite enough, with few references to Electric typing. It looks more Ghost or Psychic than anything.
-TacoHawk - I like the design, but again, there is nothing referencing the Electric type at all.
-Shiny_Togekiss - Another example of a good design for the wrong type, no references to Electric besides a slight bolt-like tail feather.
-Itsuki - Nice idea, bring in more Electric elements and refine it a bit and it could be a contender.
-Umbreonage - A very well drawn concept with elements of both Water and Electric, will be a big contender for the art. Maybe tone down the realism a little bit.
-darkmattr - Very good entries. The crab includes enough bulk to fit the concept very well. The second concept is a bit ... odd, but it does fit the typing reasonably well.
-Oddish on Fire - Very well drawn, maybe a few more influences from the Electric type (simply add more lightning bolts to the ones that already exist).
-chomzloh - Very well drawn, maybe a little bit more Electric references.
-antacross - An original idea if their ever was one. I'm not the biggest fan of the tentacles, maybe add a few clawlike digits to make pseudo-hands.
-Wyverii - Unlike a lot of the concepts so far, this one is missing references from the other type, Water. A polar bear is a mammal, and seems more Normal type than Water type.

Will add more as more concepts are completed.
I actually found the blue/yellow/orange much more fitting to the theme. Also, when the lightning bolt shapes on the concept were yellow, they much easier came off as electric-symbols. Right now, with them white, you don't get quite the electric feel from them. That's my only complaint, honestly, and I think going back to that color scheme would be appropriate. Some people might claim "It's unoriginal!" but let's face it, that color scheme works for a reason - the visual cues for what the 'mon is supposed to do are obvious. That's important.
I disagree with this. I think the current color scheme looks better, and TBH, I don't really like the yellow lightning bolts. I mean, despite the usual depiction, lightning isn't actually all that yellow.

Anyways, Paras, I really love your design.
well, i stumbled upon this topic, and was wowed by all the cool ideas floating around, so i thought i'd sketch out an idea of my own. It's inspired by a swordfish that can use its nose to absorb/release electricty (Like a lightning rod). I didn't see something like this in the thread, but if someone else did something like it feel free to tell me. Hopefully it's not too terrible XD

Pokedex Entries

Pokedex 1: It uses its long nose like a lighting rod. It charges electricity during lightning storms.

Pokedex 2: Its nose is a powerful conductor. It unleashes deadly amounts of electricity.
well, i stumbled upon this topic, and was wowed by all the cool ideas floating around, so i thought i'd sketch out an idea of my own. It's inspired by a swordfish that can use its nose to absorb/release electricty (Like a lightning rod). I didn't see something like this in the thread, but if someone else did something like it feel free to tell me. Hopefully it's not too terrible XD

Pokedex Entries

Pokedex 1: It uses its long nose like a lighting rod. It charges electricity during lightning storms.

Pokedex 2: Its nose is a powerful conductor. It unleashes deadly amounts of electricity.
That's an idea I wanted to draw but since I can't draw I was trying to have commissioned. It's very good, perhaps the nose should be more lightning bold shaped, more electric vibes.
That's an idea I wanted to draw but since I can't draw I was trying to have commissioned. It's very good, perhaps the nose should be more lightning bold shaped, more electric vibes.
Thanks! ^-^

I was thinking about making the nose lightning bolt shaped, but it just ended up looking kind of bent out of shape. I could add some jaggedness to his dorsal fins to give more of an electric appearance

Thought I might try the Sea Cucumber design again since last time it kind of grew on me.
I LOVE this design. a lot. the crown and cape parts just make it look so bad ass; it's like a super hero. it definitely has an air of "utility" about it as well. I'd love to see some supporting material, too.
I LOVE this design. a lot. the crown and cape parts just make it look so bad ass; it's like a super hero. it definitely has an air of "utility" about it as well. I'd love to see some supporting material, too.
Thank you ^_^. still not sure if I'll go with this or the Turtle Serpent but hey I thought I should give this design fair chance sine Cartoons! seemed to like it.


is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Final Submission

Final Submission

Wanted to do a sea witch + squid water-type. Thanks to everyone for all the help on this one...

Supporting Material:

Random Moves:
Using Thunderbolt on a Scizor:
Using Grass Knot vs Swampert as it uses Stealth Rock:
Revenge Killing Lucario with Heat Wave, but a TTar switches in:
Woah, there are some pretty awesome designs for this theme. Tough choice for best. Diggin' the Squid, Yilx =P

@Galactic Grunt: The black looks good, and kind of stands out against all the blue/yellow submissions, but honestly, I think with that particular design, the blue really works well =)
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